image: cn_logo

Cyber Nations is a political simulator you play in your browser. You don’t play it alone but against and with thousands of people from all over the world. You control one nation and are completely responsible for making that nation a world power or not. That one nation is part of an entire international community of leaders that run their nations in a totally different way. Some are ‘hippies’ only helping their nations grow while others are ‘warmongers’ destroying everything and everyone that cross their path. It’s your own choice how you want to run your nation and achieve world domination.

The game has three main aspects: Economics, Military and Diplomatic. These three aspects and their interactions ensures Cyber Nations is always a challenge and fun.

The economy is the main source of growth. Tax income makes sure you can invest in intrastructure, technology, land, improvements, military or wonders. The tax income depends on the number of citizens and their daily income. By keeping your civilians happy they will work harder ensuring your tax income rises. Choosing the right government, religion, improvements and resources will make your civilians happy.

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Trading is also an important aspect. Civilians of your nations work hard to produce two special resources. These resources can be traded with other nations. Each resource has their own advantages. Aluminum makes airplanes cheaper for instance. Specific combinations of resources result in a bonus like beer or fast food. The most important source of economic growth is infrastructure. Infrastructure increases your citizen count so you can collect more taxes.

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Might is right! This holds true in the world of Cyber Nations. War is the most interesting aspect in Cyber Nations. After you have built your nation you can properly invest in your military. This will start with a few soldiers but will end with soldiers, tanks, cruise missiles, planes, spies and even nuclear missiles. You can have them all at your disposal to run another nations into the ground and come out victorious.

To make it fair the war system is setup so you can’t fight a much stronger of weaker nation. However it is possible to attack someone with multiple nations. This is why many nations unite in an alliance. Up until now there have been four great wars already involving thousands of nations.