6s is composed of players from old portuguese clans such as K1ck and Gamesense. After a lost EC qualifier they will try and show they are able to compete at the top of the ET scene.

Way to the finals:

vs Finland mYstic 4-0
vs Czech Republic Highbot 4-0
vs Netherlands mazz 4-0
vs Europe Stronger Then Hate 1-0
vs France synergie 4-2

I asked [6s]arci for some comments and he gently gave them.

Hi, could you give a brief introduction of your team?

arci: Well, 6s are composed only by portuguese people. From the main team that played against team helix in the eurocup qualifier, we lost our two foreign players: de57 and torspo. At the moment 6s are composed of me, bridgefirm, iur, qkr, metz, tytsuco, deathnear and hunter. All these players have some OC and NC experience and most of us played rtcw, so I see this squad as an experienced team.

Have the games in the open cup been good so far?

arci: Yes, till now matches have been good, especially the semi-final against mYstic. Our main goal at the beginning was to play in the eurocup, after that we lost important players. But that has motivated us even more win this oc premier division.

What are your expectations for these finals?

arci: Well like I said before our main goal is to win this competition and we are confident we can make it. Bened is a nice team with players with some experience like us, so honestly I put 50-50 in the odds

What are the plans of 6s after these finals?

arci: Well we didn´t speak a lot about it, I think it will be the motivation in that time that will choose our faith. We don´t have plans for the future and atm we just think about this final match. After that we will see what we can handle.

Ok nice. Thanks for the answers and good luck :)

arci: thx m8