"As has already been mentioned, the future of the East had been decided in what was known as Generalplan Ost. It is interesting, and not without significance, that the body responsible for the drafting of this plan was the Reich Security Office (Reichssicherheitshauptamt - RSHA), that is, an agency whose task was to combat all enemies of Nazism and Nazi Germany. It was a strictly confidential document, and its contents were known only to those in the topmost level of the Nazi hierarchy. Unfortunately not a single copy could be found after the war among the documents in German archives."

10, 10, 9 & 6 players. Wait did i write 6?
Yes as the only european part East have only chosen 6 players. Can the 6 players handle the pressure? Is it better to play with the same players?

Well we will see!

Team East consists of the following players:

Poland kot
Poland d0ktor
Latvia Clown
Estonia Reload
Estonia Night
Russia zerender

This team can really surprise us all with allstar players like Night, D0ktor & Reload, they can really make a difference. I wanted to find kot but it seems like hes not online untill the match day, so i talked a bit with Clown about tomorrow.

Hi Clown you have just been selected to be one of the six guys who are participating in ET allstars for team East

How do you feel?

Don't feel any more special than usual, just hoping to have fun in the event!

Do you feel that kot has gathered a good team? a team thats able to win?

Yeah, I think kot made all the right decisions, and if i would have been captain, i probably would picked the same 6. The idea of going with only 6 players was quite good aswell.

Why do you think that kot picked you? whats so special about you?

I don't know whats so special about me, probably nothing at all! I guess the fact, that i know what i have to do in a team and whats my role. Most players make the mistake of trying to be "mystics" while playing engineer, field op or even a medic, most dont get it, that it's important to have role players in the team. I watch alot of NBA, and there is maybe 1-2 good "superstar" calibre players on the team, the rest are doing the dirty work and basically sticking to their thing. I never intend to be highest fragger, if get 50-60% frags of highest fragger, im happy with it.

So, im basically in the team to do all the things noone else wants to do!

Have you guys pracced up to this cup?

I say "LOL!?"

A big good luck from here to Team East.