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New Project
Line Up
Croatia aCoZz
Latvia Clown
Belgium dAv1d
Belgium mAus
Spain Winghaven
Germany wEAK

New Project
Europe New Project 4 - 0 Europe
Europe New Project 4 - 2 ephix- Netherlands
Europe New Project 4 - 0 FiF Benelux
Europe New Project 4 - 0 8Bits Europe
Europe New Project 4 - 2 EDiT Belgium
Europe New Project 4 - 2 TLR Europe

New Project struggled a little bit in the early tournament but figured out to be warm again and in a very good shape. With not loosing a single match in the tournament they actually are the clear favorites to defend their title just once again on the only and most important european LAN event for ET, the one and only Crossfire Challenge.

Back in this winning side, aCoZz hasn’t featured for Europe np since CPC2. After a slow start, np have started to pick up speed and after beating Belgium EDiT in the winner bracket semi final, their form has only improved and they went on to beat TLR 4-2, with an impressive performance on both Goldrush and Supply. He came into the admin room for a chat while he waited for the outcome of the loser bracket.

image: normal_acozz
Cash, Maus, aCoZz, Pedro

How did you find your game against TLR? Are you guys finally playing to your true potential?

I think we came into the tournament underestimating everyone a little and as consequence, we had some bad rounds against Netherlands ephix and Benelux muse. After the EDiT and TLR game though, we have started to start spamming more, our crossfires are finally becoming what they should be and our attack is coming together excellently. Just look at our attack against TLR on Supply. That was the best we have played together in more than a year.

You haven’t played with the NP guys since CPC2, as more recently you have played with Belgium MPG during the last EC. What’s it like playing with them again?

The guys from np are just the best. We get along very well and are very good friends, so I think this shows through in our skill, as we always know what any person in the team will do. We can read each other better than most teams around.

You will be playing the winner of TLR and EDiT after they play the loser bracket final. If you have to play TLR again, what will be different from when you played them before? Will there be a difference in their performance?

I expect them to be more cautious in their game play. They were very careless at times with their spawn times and on more than one occasion they had to sit out for a full spawn while we completed an objective. They really made some dumb mistakes and made the game twice as hard for themselves. More cautious spawn times rush out on defence several full spawns for them and dumb mistakes. They will of course focus more, as they know this is their last chance with no more safety net. Estonia Night looked really wasted this morning, so he might get some rest or take some pills to wake himself up.

Have there been any players at the LAN so far that have really impressed you. Apart from the obvious people who always impress, have you been shocked by any particular performance whether it was a good one or a bad one?

Germany senji played really well versus EDiT and he was ownage in that game for Europe vae. Considering he hasn’t played ET competitively in such a long time, it’s really impressive. As always, Belgium mAus owned everything and he has the insane damage output in our team. In terms of bad performances, I thought the Finland guys in vae would play much better than they have done to far. It’s not a criticism about them, it’s just they are usually much better players than they have been at this LAN.