• Hi Idle^erral. Tell us who you are, because most listeners dont know you.
QuoteHello, my name is Idle^erral. My real name is Elar. I'm Team Idle's mananger, for about three years now. I played ET before, been in Eurocup. Now i'm just a manager, trying to keep up the good work and take care of my team.

• What do you think about the game itself? The mapchoices were not so obvious.
QuoteWell, I even shoutcasted the game in Estonian, and I did expected something more. I didnt expect braundorf to and radar such unusuals to be in the finals. I thought some more regulars maps would have been played like supply or goldrush.

• What about the idle.et team? Is the ET team going to continue or are the all quitting?
QuoteRumours rumours rumours. I wouldnt say anything that could tear apart the ET team. I'll just say that we are still here and ready to play.

• Do you think ET is alive? What kind of suggestions do you have for keeping ET alive and interesting?
QuoteGood question. I think ET is quiet alive. It was impossible to get an ETTV slot tonight so ET is still alive. I wouldn't change it to 5on5. There were some big plans to change it, but I think it's allright at the moment like it should be.
I would like to see some real big tournaments, not the little ones. I remember Artic Cup and this cup was a nice one too. Big clans will come back and play, but its allright at the moment.

Download the full interview [urlnew=http://www.team-zenith.com/stuff/shoutcast/interview_erral310106.mp3]here[/url].
(7.07 mins/ 3.51 MB)
Link by Team-Zenith.com