Brethren. If put into a real life battle, Quake players would be the first to die. While I realize video games aren't reality, seeing a complete disregard to the realities of war in competitive clan wars should bring tears to the spectating eyes of all who are above 12 years of age. And while Counter-Strike leaves much to be desired in the areas of movement, atrocious bullet spread, and boring gameplay, its players are correct in viewing Quake players as little girly men.

The only thing impressive about prancing around like a ballerina on crystal meth is how crisp the technology makes the movement look. Now I can understand that it takes skill to pull off some of this crap (like prediction rockets etc...) in a 1v1 competitive deathmatch environment, but it has no place in a team game like Enemy Territory. Just because they share the same engine doesn't mean that it's still deathmatch. Sure you can still speed strafe, tap crouch, trick jump, and use twitchy, high sens aim, but it looks juvenile and silly to an ever maturing audience of gamers. Especially considering you don't have to play like this in order to be succesful. I believe this is even more true in clan wars where teamwork is essential.

My children. Now we have a gaming environment where camping is frowned upon and playing like a headless chicken is considered courageous. Yet we all know that absolutely no one would be dumb enough to try this in a real life combat situation.

When I watch a clan war, I want to see due respect given to actual war. Otherwise, it just turns into a circus sideshow with no real appeal to masculine manS (pun intended). Oh how cute you euros can be lol. I understand that camping may prove to be inneffective in a public deathmatch setting due to lag and exploitable hitboxes, however, this can all be minimized with strong teamplay and tactics. Indeed, it is a prime opportunity (for those who are up to the challenge) to expose the ugly nature of the deathmatch style of play.

I also don't believe that focusing more on teamplay and tactics would make matches more boring. It's the way the game is designed that makes it inherently exciting to play and spectate. In fact, I think matches have the potential to be way more exciting and we have already taken the more boring route with small team sizes and "faster" maps. But whatever, it's too late now.

Brahs. Let us make decisions about our beloved game and community based on our game and community. Let us not be influenced by that atrocity of an illusion that is "professional gaming." This disgusting abomination has been exposed in a 2008 documentary entitled "Frag." Instead, you should focus your energies on entertaining me :p, your loyal spectator, and making the game more fun for the entire community.

I come to you has a hardcore gamer and as a spectator you people of Crossfire. I emplore you competitive clans to try and play a little more like you were in an actual battle and less like you are rabidly fighting over a stack of mousepads. Who among you is up to the challenge? Who will emerge as a divine champion of the internet and defeat the hitbox exploiters, hackers, and brood of vipers?

P.S. I'm and id Software fanboy as much as the next guy, but I really hate Quake deathmatch.