4th Belgium Belgian Fraternity

Crossfire Intel Challenge 7[/b]]
Seeding Tournament
Belgium Gifted
Belgium AL1
Belgium uNDEAd
Netherlands Lun4t1C
Netherlands xPERiA

4:2 Nothing is Impossible
4:2 Infused
0:4 Blight Gaming

Main Competition
Belgium Gifted
Belgium AL1
Netherlands xPERiA
Netherlands Lun4t1C
Belgium uNDEAd

4:0 OVERLOAd oceans6
4:2 Art of Wolfenstein
4:2 #reVeal.et
0:4 Phantoms eSports
4:2 HighBot
4:0 Friends in Force
4:0 Phantoms eSports
2:4 Team-YoYoTech
0:4 Sleeperz

ESL Major Series VI[/b]]
Belgium AL1
Belgium Boss
Belgium Gifted
Netherlands Lun4t1C
Belgium pHILLE
Belgium Sup3r
Belgium uNDEAd
Netherlands xPERiA

4:2 Infused
4:0 inteRaction
4:2 Vicious and Evil
0:4 1stCav eSports Club

Main Competition
Belgium AL1
Belgium Boss
Belgium chizz6l
Belgium Gifted
Belgium pHILLE
Belgium Sup3r
Belgium uNDEAd

0:4 Sleeperz
0:4 idle.ee
1:3 colt45

CB ET Eurocup XXI[/b]]
Belgium Gifted
Belgium AL1
Belgium pHILLE
Belgium Sup3r
Belgium uNDEAd

2:4 Sleeperz

Main Competition
Belgium AL1
Belgium chizz6l
Belgium Boss
Netherlands Lun4t1C
Belgium Gifted
Belgium uNDEAd
Belgium Sup3r
Belgium pHILLE

4:0 [*EU*]
2:4 Friends in Force
4:0 1stCav eSports Club
4:2 DreaM
0:4 i dont know

Antwerp E-Sports Festival 2010[/b]]
Belgium Sup3r
Belgium uNDEAd
Belgium AL1
Belgium chizz6l
Belgium Gifted

4:0 DreaM
0:4 Team Dignitas
4:0 Catharsis Bullet Zealot
4:0 myRevenge e.V. #sGp
0:4 Impact
4:0 dNan
0:4 rockit.ET

ESL Major Series VII[/b]]
Belgium AL1
Belgium Gifted
Belgium uNDEAd
Belgium Jere
Netherlands Lun4t1C
Belgium Sup3r

4:0 Wolf Crazy Killer
2:4 Gamerz Connexion
4:0 Fuzion.ET
4:0 Wolf Crazy Killer
4:0 Gamerz Connexion
0:4 squad.ee

Main Competition
Belgium AL1
Belgium Gifted
Belgium Sup3r
Belgium uNDEAd
Belgium Jere
Netherlands Lun4t1C
Malta toxic
Netherlands xPERiA

4:2 energy-WAVE
0:4 Giants Gaming
0:4 Team Dignitas
0:4 Impact Gaming

CB ET EuroCup XXII[/b]]
Main Competition
Belgium AL1
Belgium Gifted
Belgium Sup3r
Belgium uNDEAd
Belgium Jere
Netherlands Lun4t1C
Malta toxic
Netherlands xPERiA

4:2 stronger than hate
4:0 [*EU*]
1:3 EC Winners
0:4 Team Dignitas
4:2 Giants Gaming
0:4 Rage-Gaming

Games Played: 51
Games Won: 27

This group of players have done really well over the year being one of only three teams to take part in every major competition of 2010. 5th and 4th place finishes at CiC7 and AEF have cemented this teams position as one of the better teams in Enemy Territory - although in recent times they have run into some issues, hopefully they pick themselves up to compete in the big tournaments of 2011.

5th Spain Giants

CB ET Eurocup XXI[/b]]
Latvia Clown
United Kingdom crumbs
Estonia frEeze
Slovakia filuS
Netherlands hayaa
Netherlands joop
United Kingdom Mztik
Netherlands Zak-

4:2 to Make odds even
4:0 Belgian Fraternity
0:4 Impact

ESL Major Series VI[/b]]
Latvia Clown
Slovakia filuS
Netherlands hayaa
Netherlands joop
Spain Winghaven
Netherlands Zak-

4:0 angelDust - nkNn
4:2 colt45
4:0 Frogz Squad - WB Final
4:2 colt45 - Grand Final

Latvia Clown
United Kingdom crumbs
Slovakia filuS
Estonia frEeze
Latvia fuzz
Netherlands hayaa
Netherlands joop
Netherlands Zak-

4:0 energy-WAVE
4:2 Finspastic 5
4:2 logiX e. V
2:4 Team Dignitas
4:0 zeroE Friends in Force
4:2 colt45
0:4 Fintastic 5 - LB Final

CB ET EuroCup XXII[/b]]
Latvia Clown
United Kingdom crumbs
Slovakia filuS
Estonia frEeze
Netherlands Zak-

4:0 Team ICTUS
4:0 energy-WAVE

Main Competition
Latvia Clown
United Kingdom crumbs
Slovakia filuS
Estonia frEeze
Finland kapaa
Netherlands Zak-

4:0 gZcon
0:4 Epsilon Esports
3:1 TAG
2:4 energy-WAVE
2:4 Aero Gaming

ESL Major Series VII[/b]]
Latvia Clown
United Kingdom crumbs
Slovakia filuS
Estonia frEeze
Netherlands Zak-

4:0 noBrain
3:1 Rage-Gaming - WB Final
2:4 Rage-Gaming - Grand Final
4:0 Rage-Gaming - Grand Final

Main Competition
Latvia Clown
United Kingdom crumbs
Slovakia filuS
Estonia frEeze
Finland kapaa
Netherlands Zak-

4:0 Aero Gaming
4:0 energy-WAVE
0:4 EC Winners
4:2 Rage-Gaming
0:4 Most Valuable Players

Games Played: 32
Games Won: 22

Sadly this team called it a day after the EMS VII competition, but competing in all the major online competitions of 2010 and finishing 3rd in EMS VI has grabbed them a 5th position spot in 2010's team of the year ranking. Latvia Clown is scoping a new team for 2011 so watch this space!

6th Europe Most Valuable Players

CB ET EuroCup XXII[/b]]
United Kingdom Jinosta
Poland Frag'Stealer
Poland numeric
United Kingdom razz
Poland zMk

4:0 high five
2:4 EC Winners

Main Competition
Belgium chry
Poland Frag`Stealer
United Kingdom Jinosta
United Kingdom Mztik
Poland numeric
United Kingdom razz
Finland Stuka
Poland zMk

4:0 squad.ee
2:4 Team Dignitas
4:0 1stCav eSports Club
0:4 Impact
4:0 stronger than hate
4:2 energy-WAVE
4:0 Rage-Gaming
0:4 The Last Resort - LB Final

ESL Major Series VII[/b]]
United Kingdom Jinosta
Poland Frag'Stealer
Poland numeric
United Kingdom razz
Poland zMk

4:0 In7 eSports
2:4 Impact
5:3 EC Winners

Main Competition
Netherlands Ati_
Belgium chry
Poland Frag`Stealer
United Kingdom Jinosta
Poland numeric
United Kingdom razz
Finland Stuka
Poland zMk

4:0 Wolf Crazy Killer
4:0 stronger than hate
4:2 Impact
0:4 Team Dignitas
4:0 Giants Gaming
0:4 The Last Resort

Games Played: 21
Games Won: 13

A Team that formed in the later half of the year took the competitions by storm finishing 3rd in EC and 4th in EMS hopefully they stick together and build on what has already in a short time been a quite fruitful period for the lineup.

7th Germany Team SPEEDLINK

Crossfire Intel Challenge 7[/b]]
Seeding Tournament
Germany Bl4d3
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany kReSt
Germany sTOWNAGE
Germany zabija

4:0 TEMR
0:4 pstarZ dNan
4:0 HighBot ePROX
4:0 dESIRE
0:4 Friends in Force

Main Competition
Germany Bl4d3
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany kReSt
Germany sTOWNAGE
Germany zabija

4:2 #reVeal.et
2:4 Plug&Pown
4:0 OVERLOAd oceans6
0:4 pstarZ dNan
4:2 dESIRE
0:4 JungleBrothers

CB ET EuroCup XXI[/b]]
Germany Bl4d3
Germany duKe_
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany kReSt
Germany sTOWNAGE

4:2 energy-WAVE
0:4 1stCav eSports Club

Main Competition
Germany Bl4d3
Germany duKe_
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany kReSt
Germany sTOWNAGE

4:0 Frogz Squad
4:2 to Make odds even
0:4 rockit.ET
0:4 Impact
4:0 colt45
4:0 zeroE Friends in Force
0:4 squad.ee

ESL Major Series VI[/b]]
Germany kReSti
Germany Bl4d3
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany reaz
Germany duKe_

2:4 colt45

Antwerp E-Sports Festival 2010[/b]]
Germany Bl4d3
Germany duKe_
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany kReSti
Germany sTOWNAGE

4:0 Forward
4:0 Saiko
0:4 rockit.ET
4:0 Mighty Ducks
3:1 TAG
0:4 rockit.ET

ESL Major Series VII[/b]]
Germany Bl4d3
Germany duKe_
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Austria potter
Germany sTOWNAGE

4:0 [*EU*]
1:3 Most Valuable Players
0:4 EC Winners

CB ET EuroCup XXII[/b]]
Germany Bl4d3
Germany duKe_
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany kReSti
Austria potter
Germany sTOWNAGE

4:0 1stCav eSports Club
4:2 two42

Main Competition
Germany Bl4d3
Germany duKe_
Germany FLoPJEHZ
Germany kReSti
Austria potter
Germany sTOWNAGE

0:4 energy-WAVE
2:4 Rage-Gaming

Games Played: 37
Games Won: 20

Germany's best Enemy Territory team represent their country finely at the start of the year with good placings in EC XXI and AEF, a poor finish to the year has seen some very aggresive lineup changes with familair names in Germany snoop and Switzerland gifty stepping into the team, 2011 could be a good year for them.