Poland to Make odds even

Poland fanatic
Poland palemki
Poland hassaN
Poland errol
Poland Voodoo
Poland ska
Poland Czarek

0:4 red as a beetroot - Clanbase ET EuroCup XXIII
4:0 Royalblood - YCN Spring Challenge 2011
4:0 Power Gaming - CB ET Europe 5v5 Ladder
2:4 turbot - CB ET Europe 5v5 Ladder
4:2 unpatched.et - Easy Company Cup VI 5v5
4:0 SPEEDLINK - ESL Winter Leagues 2010
4:2 nonpro WcK - CB ET Europe 5v5 Ladder

Games 7, Won 5 and lost 2
71% wins
22:12 overall maps won:lost

The former NORDIC-eSport lineup manage to keep their top spot for another month after a good run of results including a 4:0 ESL Winter League Grand Final win over Team SPEEDLINK. The team parted ways with their former organisation with calls of inconsistent lineups and poor team attitude - this did not seem to hurt their results too much as they continued to play and beat top opposition in Speedlink and Power Gaming.

Europe Queens

United Kingdom sqzz
United Kingdom razz
Iceland phyZiC
Malta toxic
Finland miNd
Sweden NuggaN
France emoreJ

4:0 teamoxid - Clanbase ET EuroCup XXIII
4:2 WinFakt! - CB ET Europe 5v5 Ladder
4:2 rockit.ET - CB ET Europe 5v5 Ladder
4:0 .:CTN// - YCN Spring Challenge

Played 4 and Won 4
100% wins
16:4 rounds won:lost

Narrowly missing out on top spot Queens come in second place this month after four wins over good opposition. April could well be Queen's month with a lot of games on the horizon. The team boasts some great players and are currently one of the favorites for this seasons Eurocup competition.

Finland Turbot

Finland Swanidius
Finland OldenSan
Finland crittie
Finland vokki
Finland muuris
Finland Squall
Finland olBaa
Finland Hardyrah
Finland walle
Finland Vanhaomena

2:4 Ultraviolet Gaming - Clanbase ET EuroCup XXIII
0:4 OVERLOAd - YCN Spring Challenge 2011
4:2 tMoe - CB ET Europe 5v5 Ladder
4:2 Keskus Rikos Poliisi - CB ET Europe 5v5 Ladder
4:2 #erAse.et Runo<3 - CB ET Europe 5v5 LadderCB ET Europe 5v5 Ladder
4:0 Pistols - Easy Company Cup VI 5v5
4:0 Team SurviveEasy - Company Cup VI 5v5
0:4 MouseControl - CB ET Europe 5v5 Ladder
4:0 Lost Soldiers - CB ET Europe 5v5 Ladder
4:2 #erAse.et Runo<3 - CB ET Europe 5v5 Ladder

Played 10, won 7 and lost 3
won 70%
28:20 rounds won:lost

Turbots performances started well, but fell apart nearer the end of the month. With a good win against tMoe in the CB ET 5on5 ladder, Turbot secure third place in the top10 rankings. Narrowly missing out on Eurocup qualification will not hold this team back though as they have been playing for a long time and I see them bouncing back in the future.