TosspoT The vast majority of people who have never played RTCW, wont know who you are, and wont know why I'm afraid of getting owned by you. So briefly please explain your history

Capten Well I started my rtcw career with noll8 and if you didnt play rtcw you probably dont know us, anyway we finished second in EC winner behind iNfensus. I then moved on to play with SnapS who also finished second that year after losing against rewind in EC. So i played for many years but not in any ET clan.

TosspoT You're a card carrier of the Swedish society for pro RTCW players, What is it like coming into ET a game so similar to RTCW and not seeing any swedish dominance?

Capten That was kind of surprising for me, but i think sweden got some ownage players but it seems no pure swe clan made it to the top really (but maybe im just missinformed)

TosspoT Now capten, correct me if this is wrong, however the story I heard regarding your quitting gaming and then returning to gaming went a little something like this:

Captens Wife: Quit Gaming
Capten: mmmmm (for 2 years or so)
Capten: Nope, see ya

How much truth is there in that story?

Capten haha yeah thats partly true, im on my third girlfriend atm (tsk they never learn to accept a mans need) :)

TosspoT How does it feel to be back in the routine of playing clanwars every night?

Capten I think its awesome to get a team going and improve the teamplay, thats the reward we had after some minor problems with lineups etc but now it feels like we are ready.

TosspoT And are you enjoying ET?

Capten More and more actually, at first i was pretty owned by the spam, and ppl have got alot better from where i quit.

TosspoT Out of the teams you've been playing, Who do you feel are the strongest teams in Europe?

Capten Hard to say since we are pretty new, but mycruz felt strong, and goliath, and i think Star will become strong aswell as the new Team UQ

TosspoT Lets step into nostalgia, You've played alongside some pretty impressive players in your days, Who would be your dream team to play alongside in either RTCW or ET?

Capten I would go with Sweden Vega, Sweden Sweet, Sweden Darkwing, Sweden civ and Sweden Spear, they are just the winner types. I could name 7 more maybe.

TosspoT And what are the chances of seeing them ever playing ET?

Capten I talked to them from time to time but i think the chance is pretty small, i tried to convince vega to start playing but the most are caught up in other games, civ plays quake 4 and the others play WoW

TosspoT Some might say that is a crime against nature to see such talented players playing WoW :(

Capten agreed :) ...(15 seconds later) btw i got a lvl 60 priest also

TosspoT When you came back to gaming, why did you chose ET? Why not Quake 4 for example

Capten I just love the team feeling about RTCW/ET and the variation of stuff, you got aim/brain all in the same game

TosspoT And now that you are back, what are your goals? Aiming to go one better and take an EC Gold?

Capten Yes we aim for the top, and EC is our goal.