[img|left]http://www.gamefrog.fr/images/stories/logo_beta.png[/img] You may have noticed some good omen for our dear Wolfenstein : ET these last few days. The main responsible is crossfire. To start the new year, United KingdomStuart "TosspoT" Saw's website is trying to give some fresh air to the game.

You've probably heard of it, a new tournament named "Crossfire Draft Cup" has taken place yesterday. This one day cup gathered the top players of the scene and had for mission to fight against the lack of sensational games and propose a great show to the viewers. But that's not all. After several years of waiting, tons of rumours and a lot of hidden hopes, Crossfire has revealed its beta version 4.

The website proposes a new design and features that should ease interactions between members. For now, the returns are somewhat mixed. The fresh look is not really people's taste and the layout in general still need some fixes.

image: cf4

What remains sure is that users welcomed this will to make things change. Franceb3ck has even proposes its help [urlnew=http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=journal&mode=item&id=138367]creating a topic[/url] where he tries to gather informations in order to correct the b4's problems. We could see that a lot of persons appreciate the support brought to the website. Jani, who's one of the designer, has even thanks the French for its contribution and said he would personally make sure that they will be included in the next update.

The community platform still believes in Wolfenstein. With tzac that has made its marks and crossfire that is being renewed, Enemy Territory's future is not so dark. As long as members will be motivated to make things move and follow them, the game still has some bright days to enjoy. ET is dead, but not gibbed yet ? That's what Tosspot seems to think. We've met the big boss.

image: tosspot

GameFrog.fr : Hello, TosspoT. Crossfire has released its beta 4 and is preparing a new competition, how is your feeling about those two events? Was the feedback mostly positive or negative? What did the community thought about the website?

TosspoT : The feedback was excellent, people gave us what we needed and in 48 hours we found out more than we'd find in 2 weeks of bug hunting. If I were to summarise the responses, people liked the new functionalities but didn't love the new design. I understand that, its the same as whenever any other site updates its design. However I've been doing this for a long time! I remember the complaints when we migrated from Version 2 to Version 3 - so I'm not worried about the volume of feedback, we're going to act on it as best we can and try to release a product that is both inline with the communities desires and our objectives.

What are you going to do to improve CF4 in order to please the maximum of users?

We will tweak the design, the layout will stay but we will try to action some of the design requests user had regarding definition and contrast. I don't think we're too far away from it. We found a great number of issues once users started logging in which was great, it was an effective flushing of the pipes for us so when we go live finally all will be well. In addition to that, we've also got new features planned post launch. What was most important was that we moved off the Crossfire 3 code, it became impossible for developers to go in and add new features to this code so we had to start from the ground up.

What were your intentions in doing this? Is it your way to give some fresh air to the scene?

Its time to grow again, this site has been brilliant to us, survived many attacks, handled large concurrence and served this community. However technology and interfaces moved on long ago and its time we did too. Our intentions are to give this community a stable home once more and offer growth opportunities for individual parts of the community. For example, by adding Groups it allows Anime lovers to post in freedom or Razzah to do smaller more frequent updates to his Random Babes collection. The objective is to accommodate the growing variety of interests users on the site have.

Do you have a message to give to the players ?

This is just the first of many objectives we have to support Crossfire better in 2012. It took time, we had the quiet years of Heaven Media and since leaving HM we've been working on this. Now its time to ramp up operations, the pipe is full of great ideas and opportunities that should keep us busy for a while yet.

What do you think of this sentence : ET is dead, but not gibbed yet.

Its a good statement, I'd urge users to do something about it. We proved with the BFB that good coverage is all it takes for a good tournament, The Draft Cup is following in that style, good coverage and a lot of interest as a result. People should get out there and fight for their game!