image: headrzr

Overview: Part II

Stop browsing these porn websites, log out from Facebook, call your girlfriend you're not coming, cancel that football match... Cause you'll be reading the next newspost containing information about the participating teams in Battle for Berlin II. Yesterday you could read the first article of our teams overview series. Today we'll continue and give you some insight on Netherlands Mouse Control, Europe TAG, Europe Devastation and Europe Sleeperz.
image: s_head

Mouse Control

Netherlands Mouse Control is a well known team at the Enemy Territory scene. Their main players is obviously Netherlands saKen, who has been leading this team for almost 2 years. They started to play actively in July 2010 under Europe Ictus tag. At the beginning they had some mixed up lineup with few Poles in it. In September 2010 they joined to famous Dutch organization Netherlands OVERLOAd. The lineup contains 3 Dutch and 2 Belgian players. They were very active at the end of 2010 and at the beginning of 2011. All-Dutch lineup was formed during CB EuroCup XXIII and with that composition they managed to win KAOS E-Series LAN and ESL Summer Leagues 2011. With addition of Poland zMk, Poland Frag’Stealer, Slovakia filuS and France An7ho they took place in the last EuroCup, which is their biggest achievement in 5v5/6v6 next to winning E-Series LAN. The team is also very active in 3on3 competition. Their biggest achievement in this format is undoubtedly NationsCup 3on3. Mouse Control is one of the most active teams in latest years. They’ve played almost 200 games on ETTV in 2 years.
Recently they again formed all-Dutch lineup, that also consists all national team players. But they after Netherlands xPERiA had joined to Europe Queens, they decided to take United Kingdom koop as a new rifle. That means that Netherlands joshua will switch back to the smg class. They placed on 5th/6th place In last edition of Battle For Berlin. But this time they are stronger and more stable and they are aiming for a top spot in the Battle For Berlin 2.

  • E-Series LAN
  • NationsCup 3on3 2011
  • ClanBase 2on2 European Ladder
  • ClanBase 3on3 European Ladder
  • ClanBase 5on5 European Ladder
  • ESL Summer League 2010 2on2 Premier
  • ESL Winter League 2010 2on2 Premier
  • ESL Winter League 2010 3on3 Premier
  • ESL Summer League 2011 3on3 Premier
  • ESL Summer League 2011 5on5 Premier
  • JeeSports Qualifier #3
  • ClanBase OpenCup Fall 2010 3on3 Premier
  • ClanBase SummerCup 2010 5on5 Premier
  • Esports Heaven SteelSeries Tournament
  • ESL European Major Series V
  • ESL Fall 2010 3on3 Premier
  • ESL Fall 2010 2on2 Premier
  • ClanBase EuroCup XXIV
  • ESL European Major Series IV
  • ClanBase SummerCup 2010 3on3 Premier
  • Alienware Cup #4
  • NationVoice ET Challenge
  • ET Top 10 - May 2011
  • ClanBase OpenCup Spring 20112on2 Premier
  • 4th ClanBase SummerCup 2010 2on2
  • 5th ESL European Major Series VII
  • 7th ClanBase EuroCup XIX
Some games worth mentioning:Current lineup:
  • Netherlands saKen
  • Netherlands joshua
  • Netherlands SQuid
  • Netherlands L4mpje
  • Netherlands JALLAAAAAAA
  • United Kingdom koop
Mouse Control is going to face Europe Zero Empathy, previously known as Czech Republic inteRaction in the second round of Battler For Berlin II. mCon players are obviously the favourites but they can’t underestimate their opponent who has been playing together for very long time. We were able to catch Netherlands SQuid for a short interview.

Interview with Netherlands SQuid[/b]]
Mouse Control is being an active and pretty stable team, how do you feel about the loss of xPERiA?
He had to do what he had to do. I personally don't mind it at all, more because it has opened us for the opportunity to get a rifle instead of josh who is decent with it but just not great. Teams mix up that’s how ET goes so it might be better for both sides that xperia left.

Koop joined up with the all NL line up, how are comms going with a English only speaker joining up?
Ye we will try to talk English on comms but sometimes we just put a little dutch in between to make something clear for 1 specific person in an action. its just easier. But we all played in international team so there is no problem with English. Not sure how koop feels about it tho.

Since koop joined up, does it mean that Joshua will take the SMG in hands again? Is this the come back of the Dutch Power House or did his SMG skills get a bit rusty?
Yes josh will start shooting headshots again and go for the moviefrags. His aim is a bit off but thats not because of the rifle but more because of LoL. But we are playing 3on3's back for NC so his aim should be back to perfect soon.

You got seeded as 5th, is that reasonable? are you in general happy with the seeding done by the Crossfire Council?
I didn't look in to all the teams above us since its more about your own games not about the seeds, but 5th is good. not sure how the new teams (mind and co) will work out but like I said its all in the performance in game not about the seed.

Mouse Control’s favorite map?
It depends, in 3on3 it’s goldrush, in 5on5 it was frost (hi E-series lan) and in 6on6 I don't know yet, we are to new to figure that out but if I could choose it would be radar/missile.

Mouse Control predicted the following outcome of BFB2 sponsored by Razer:
  • Anexis eSports
  • mPG
  • Finlantic 6
image: s_head


It all started with a bunch of players mixing around at the late evenings somewhere in 2007. After playing some games with a more or less consistent lineup, they realized their potential. Since then the clan had numerous high skillers involved and besides the usual ClanBase and ESL tournaments, the team participated in all kind of competition - both online and offline. The TAG BBQ`s are always a highlight on the LAN events and with the Adroits ET Mastersjust around the corner we can look forward to another big festivity. Their current lineup features long time taggers like Netherlands Lightning and Netherlands aphesia with addition of some newer but not unfamiliar faces like United Kingdom griim and three Germans Germany stownage, Germany FLoPJEHZ and
Germany kReSti. They gathered together to become one of the best TAG roster`s you could have ever seen. They are seeded on spot 6 but if things work out I am sure they will be able to cause some upsets and challenge the top five. At least I hope to see them higher than in last edition of this tournament, where they lost to Germany teamoxid in Lower Bracket Round 2.

  • Clanbase OC Premier League Fall 2007
  • Cup #2
  • Enemy Territory 6on6 Instant Fall Cup #11
  • Enemy Territory 6on6 Instant Fall Cup #12
  • Enemy Territory 6on6 Instant Fall Cup #18
  • Volt-Cup Season 4 (6vs6)
  • High Voltage 6v6 Cup S4
  • Retrocup (6vs6)
  • Good Week Start Cup 1 (6vs6)
  • randomZ Cup #1 (6vs6)
  • randomZ Cup #2 (6vs6)
  • Coldfire Vengeance Cup IV (6vs6)
  • #xTarsia 6v6-cup
  • Online Only Award CDC4
  • Most active ET clan
  • Playing them mixes!
  • CB Eurocup XX
  • ET Intel Cup III
  • fake69 Cup
  • heaveN Cup S1
  • ORDER Cup V2
We can't really mention any top TAG games with their current or similar lineup because besides aphesia and Lightning the other gamers are new in this team.

Current lineup:
  • Netherlands Lightning
  • Netherlands aphesia
  • United Kingdom griim
  • Germany stownage
  • Germany kReSti
  • Germany FLoPJEHZ
Their first game will be against team Europe Mythica and I have already visited the site to bet some money on TAG`s shoulder. Not that I see them having an easy game against United Kingdom Artstar’s crew but I expect Lightning and co to win at least with 4:2!

Interview with Germany FLoPJEHZ[/b]]
Tell me something more about your new team. Do you prac for upcoming events? How do you perform in pracs? What is the atmosphere inside the team?
Well at the moment we just pracced once, like a month ago and did better than expected for the first time. We didnt really had the chance to pracc more yet, because of the Nations Cup, some people been busy with work and or school and krest and stownage are on holidays for a week now, but gonna be back right for the first bfb2 game, and after that we are ready to roll and pracc's. The atmosphere is awesome, because we know us all pretty well for some years already, so its fun to play with these people, even in mixes.

What are your expectations for upcoming tournaments? Except BFB2 you are going to participate in EuroCup. You see yourselves as a favorites of these tournaments?
I dont see us as favorites in any of these tournaments yet, like i said i cant say much yet because we didnt pracc that much, but if its going like i think it is going, we can reach the top 3 for sure and be up for the one or the other suprise.

I've also seen that you ale going to play in Weesp on ET Masters LAN. Can you tell me something more about it, any special preparations? Did you find any MGC/sponsor?
Atm we ahaven’t been in contact to anyone about a mgc sponsor or anything. We are all just looking forward to the ET Masters LAN, and are really motivated to play all these tournaments and the LAN ofc. Special prepartions? I dont think so, didnt really talk about anything yet. I think we are just going to pracc as usual, play as much offi's as possible and then going right into the LAN.

In BFB2 you are seeded as number 6 team. Are you happy about that or you expected some other seed? What do you think about other seeds?
Well the seeds are set by the names i guess. Im not sure tho because the top 6 are all new teams ececpt of mcon and anexis afaik. So im fine with the seed and will see how its going in the tournament.

Your first game in the tournament is against team mythica. What do you think about them and what score do you predict?
For our first game i guess it will be a 4:0 for us. They got some known guys and some new players. But ill say it will be 4:0 for TAG.

What is your top3 for BFB2? and who do you think will surprise us as an “underdogs”?
I guess oxid is always up for a suprise, like we've seen on the sage lan, where they came quite far. Top 3 is hard to predict coz we got alot of good teams but Anexis 1st, 2nd and 3rd gonna be a fight between us, mcon, mpg, and queens. Im quite sure about that.

TAG predicted the following outcome of BFB2 sponsored by Razer:
  • Anexis eSports
  • / TAG/mPG/Queens/mCon
image: s_head


Europe Devastation is the team formed in 2008, but they started to be more active in 2011. Their journey began with ClanBase OpenCup spring season - third league. Netherlands Otyg was a team leader back then, who is now placed in the backup spot. In next season they have been put in Second League where they couldn’t go further than Quarter Finals. Their list of achievements is not impressive. Also they hadn’t played in any serious competition until ESL Winter Leagues 2012 where they participated in 1st Division. Unfortunately, Premier league seemed to be too strong for them and they couldn’t win a single round. With some help of Belgian stars Belgium Gifted and Canada monkey, they managed to gather quite a nice lineup at the beginning of this year. Due to some internal problems, they are no longer Devastation players. The team recently picked up United Kingdom sTKz & Belgium Sh1zzle. Only the upcoming matches can tell whether they seem fit for the job.

  • FlashForward Season 4
  • Splendid-Gaming Cup #4
  • Clanbase ET SW 3on3 OpenCup Spring 2011
  • #et.6on6.cup #1
There are no games worth mentioning yet because current composition is quite new.

Current lineup:
  • Norway Domi
  • Poland Kirej
  • Netherlands stib
  • Belgium Sh1zzle
  • United Kingdom sTKz
  • France TOMOYO
Devastation have a very strong opponent in the first round. They are going to face newly formed team by Finland miNd -
Europe miNd’s Pro Gamers. I don’t think that Dev stand a chance versus Enemy Territory superstars like Latvia Clown or
Netherlands perfo but I am hoping to see them trying to win at least one round! We caught Netherlands stib on a short conversation.

Interview with Netherlands stib[/b]]
What do you think about the seeds? Are they done somewhat correctly and do you think your 13 place is deserved or did you expect a higher seed?
Well, I think the crossfire council did a good job here. Of course some teams could be switched around, but then we're talking about 1 or 2 places. Our 13th place is quite realistic, though I see ourselves hanging around the 10th/11th spot.

Who is responsible for the ingame leading?
We don't really have an in-game leader, but I think TOMOYO and me make the most calls. The rest is just all about giving good information.

Judging from the gtv history your team seems to be somewhat unstable, a problem with main teams in ET, have you finally settled down?
Hmm, well we don't exist that long yet, but we had some problems in the beginning since Gifted wasn't that motivated to play and monkeyy couldn't be available on the proper times. That's why we decided to replace them with Sh1zzle and finally stKz, who're both really good teamplayers in my opinion. We are stable now though.

Your first opponent mPG, what do you expect of this very first game? Any change of beating them or would that be really unrealistic?
I think it's unrealistic to think that we could beat mPG right away, they just have higher quality players. We're able to make it a good match though, don't be surprised if it's going to get close!

Do you have any plans on attending the upcoming ET Master Lan hosted by Adroits?
Personally I don't have any plans for the LAN, don't have enough money and time for it. Though Devastation is planning on making a LAN line-up consisting of mostly dutch players of the Dev Brotherhood: Otyg, Rockskin, Twizzt, Eddo and possibly TOMOYO aswell.

Devastation predicted the following outcome of BFB2 sponsored by Razer:
  • Anexis eSports
  • Queens
  • Finlantic6
image: s_head


Europe Sleeperz, an old team in ET that has been around for ages presenting an almost new line-up. Only two faces in the new roster are familiar with zZz tag - Finland toNi and Denmark xcN. Besides them, their lineup contains three Team Hungary national players Hungary Nonix, Hungary sebi and Hungary varadi. As sixth player they added Germany znArk, who is mostly known for 3on3 gamers. So far they have only played a few games, which really do not give us a clear view about their performance. The previous Sleeperz team was always lead by Belgium Lazio. However toNi is stepping up to the plate now. Does he have what it takes to bring this team to the former glory of zZz?

  • List of zZz's pocals is quite long but only toNi or xcN may be counted as former Sleeperz players. They haven't achieve anything yet in current roster.
Some games worth mentioning:Current lineup:
  • Denmark xcN
  • Finland toNi
  • Germany znArk
  • Hungary Nonix
  • Hungary sebi
  • Hungary varadi
Interview with Denmark xcN[/b]]
Sleeperzzz returned with an all new line up? And where is Lazio?
Well to answer last question first.. Our beloved aleks seems to be inactive atm. hes rarely on msn and IRC. He talked about a comeback but doesnt seem like its time for that now.. So we kinda took back zZz name eventho I wouldnt rly have gone with it but lack of creativity, care and the fact that. lazio doesnt run a zZz team just made us go with zZz name...

What's sleeperzzz best map?
Hmm atm it seems kinda up and down ... we can play good on most maps but also fail hard eventho we set good time :D Would go with GR tho.

The seeds done by the crossfire council, are you happy with them?
Yea guess seeds is fine... maybe we should have been bottom but dont rly care about all that.. just wanna play some games and looking at other teams participating we know we are gonna get a hard time .. so we just in it for the funs but allways motivated to try and make a surprise :)

For what place are you aiming in the Battle For Berlin 2?
We aint aiming for some specific place.. We signed up the last day it was open and i didnt rly expect a invite... so we in for the funz but surely a top 10 position would be nice looking at other teams. brings a negative mood on comms but we also know that when we play our best we are able to compete against top teams and win games ..

Tell me something about the team, how is the atmosphere and how are you preforming lately?
well... the atmosphere and Our perfomance lvl is really unstable theese days to say the least :D lately we have lost games which we shouldnt loose and that ofc. so atm we try and focus on the mistakes we make and then try to correct them afterwards.

Sleeperz predicted the following outcome of BFB2 sponsored by Razer:
  • Anexis
  • Finlantic 6
  • Mouse Control
image: s_head


Statements from known gamers about these teams:
Quote by Mouse Control
Mouse Control, one of the teams with great potential if they keep practicing hard. They have great players and a good teamplay, i'm sure they will be a Top7 team atleast. Koop is a great player to fill the riffle position, eventhough he is new in the team i'm sure he will help enough.

Quote by TAGTAG, Cursed to fail somehow? :D They have a great lineup, individual skills wise, but their teamplay might be their weakness, considering they are somehow a new team, or they might actually surprises us because the germans have been playing together for ages, same goes for other 3 players (or perhaps 2). I am not expecting them to go into top 5/ 7, but only god knows :P

Quote by DevastationDevastation, i have never seen them playing which means i don't know how good they can be, but i'm sure they will play hard and try to give enemy a hard time! Some of this players have enough experience to surprises us, lets see what they can do, but right now i'm not expecting much :( Hf either way!

Quote by SleeperzzZz used to bring us some surprises, few great players born there. Nonix might share his experience with some raising stars, god knows what they can do! Either way, thats a interesting lineup, there is no top players or super great ones, but maybe their teamplay might help beating some good teams. No idea how far they can go.

Quote by Mouse ControlIs a rly stable and great team. With saKen joshua and sQuid they have still the same same faces inside. WIth the addition of JALLAAAA who played with them at the E-Series too they got a great aimer in their ranks. L4mpje will help the mtoo with his great teamplay and aim. He improved a lot the last months. The most unexpectedly addition is koop. koop showed the community that hes a great rifle and deserves such a great clan. I think mCon got the right seed and will prove at the end that they are a big candidate for the top5!

Quote by TAGThey are might be the other big candidate for the top5! With kReSti as one of the best aimers out there atm they can hopefully handle big teams like Anexis or Queens. Some think they lack abit of aim or a good fieldop but in my opinion they will have the better attack on this way with such great teamplayer like griim or stownage. They also have one of the best rifles in their ranks. WIth Flopjehz as the SMG ENG who showed already at Team-Germany that this fits better to him as the rifle we will hopefully see some good and sneaky actions. aphesia will hopefully show that he's also a great aimer and will maybe bring his team to victory.

Quote by DevastationThey have some nice faces like stib or Domi in their ranks. Both of them already played on a good level and will hopefully help their mates to have some great games. TOMOYO also showed at the 2nd edition of crossfire's draft tournament that he's able to play well. But to be honestI only can see them winning 1 match max. Gl to them!

Quote by SleeperzAt the first view at sleeperz I might say wtf is this? These guys are ruining a great name in ET. But looking at their recent matches they surprised a lot of people par expemple by winning over aToOn. They have a great and experienced aimer like Nonix and some other nice faces. They might surprise but at all I think they need to pracc hard to come under the top8!

Quote by Mouse Control I think mouse con will comfortably beat Zero Empathy 4-0. Mcon been playing together for ages now and the addition of koop should only make them stronger, especially if ze go afk expect some serious afkkills from koop (LOL) Player to watch: Joshua. Player to not watch: SakenGGLOW

Quote by TAGCould potentially be a close game between tag & mythica. Some really strong aimers in both lineups but TAG will have better teamplay! My prediction is 4-2 TAG. kResti to carry

Quote by DevastationCant exactly see devastation taking a map off Mind's Pro Gamers unless mPG play like retard rambos! More than likely 4-0 mPG

Quote by SleeperzQueens lineup is way to stronk for sleeperz. razz playing et 24/7 has picked a lineup full of awesome aimers so it will be interesting to see what ther objective play is like. Sleeperz absolutely no chance in this match, 4-0 queens. Gl freeeze! ( razz is a massive nerd )

image: s_head

In the next overview you will be able to read about Europe Queens, Europe mPG, Europe Mythica and Europe Zero Empathy.

Posted by:

Netherlands [urlnew=]SimonKinsler[/url] & Poland [urlnew=]fanatic[/url] & Germany [urlnew=]SPU9[/url] & Belgium

[urlnew=]image: footrzr[/url]