Now this is where push comes to shove, the tough gets going and shit really hits the fan. This is where YOU are needed.

A lot of you are experienced, even well-versed, when it comes to internet technologies. Your skillset can help out crossfire.

The Design

Naturally the new design got flamed right into ground; I would have been shocked if it weren't.
Cf3 had different designs, there's no reason why cf4 can't have that. This page is built without tables, mostly semantically correct and halfway nice HTML5. You should be able to do a lot simply by changing the stylesheet, you can practically re-invent the page.
Please do work on such things. Unfortunately I can't promise a timeframe where good and popular stylesheets will be made available for everyone, but the time will come and until then everybody with little skills can put your custom stylesheet on crossfire individually (I think there's even a tutorial for that here). It can be small stuff like sticky notifications :)


All the rotating might annoy you - or javascript loads where you'd prefer actual page loads, or the other way round.
You can do a lot with javascript, and it's quite easy to put those custom scripts into a) your browser and b) other peoples browser if they wish so. I'm sure that popular scripts will make it onto the page to better everybodys experience.

Serverside programming?

This might go a little far, but I wanted to throw it out there. The page doesn't code itself and if you do have skills, time and little enough selfrespect to work on a project like this for free, try to get in touch with one of the big names. Of course it might be hard to break into the circle as it requires a good level of trust before they'll let you through to the good stuff, but it worked before and it can work again.
This actually is a great opportunity to work on a reasonably large project. There are tables will well over 4 million rows and several hundred Mb of data which can be a good challenge to work with.

And of course: DO please contribute content, this is easy, everybody can do it, you just have to put some time into it. So go and get those new userflags for contributing