Hey kReSti, although most of the players will know you please be so kind and give us a short introduction about you!

Hey, my name is Thomas"kReSti" Mouratidis, I am half Greek half German but currently living in Germany. I am 20 years young and playing the game for 7 years now.

I could ask some standard questions like "What was your first online game" or "Where does your nick comes from" but I am more interested in your latest thread about your new team. You said you are looking for new international gamers... Tell us a bit more about the project!

First of all I had that idea to build a team long time ago but unfortunately I didn`t have any motivation for it... but now I had the idea to recruit some not so known, med skilled guys... I want to give those players a chance and I have to admit there are a lot of potential players out there.. and since I got bored of all-German teams and playing with the same guys over and over again I decided to start with that project and recruit EU gamers!

How it comes you are doing it right now? Why not playing under the PDEG flag the current EC and other competitions?

Well, I must say I really lost the motivation to keep on playing with PDEG... there are different reasons for it ... and when I want something I will do it whatever it costs, and I just really wanted to build the new team and couldn`t be arsed anymore to keep on playing the EC.. or other cups.. I guess I feel myself quite better with that decision

You said you got a couple of interested people - are all requests serious or have you got a lot of fake pm`s?

I got like 40+pm`s from guys with a real interest to join and a lot of guys who are even really known, but as said before that`s not the point of my project And luckily I found already some great and motivated guys who got a lot of potential - now we just have to see how it works out :)

Tell us about your selection criteria!

That`s hard to answer. But okey, first of all I invite them to play a 3on3 with me and I start looking how they perform - not aimwise but rather at their gamesense and their ambition to do the objectives and their medic work. As a more or less experienced player you see quite fast if your teammates are just frag hunting or if they are sticking with their needle short behind you. Additionally the overall gibs are important as well. Besides I do ask them about their own opinion (what gamesytle they think they are playing, what class suits best for them and so on). And in case of a good first impression we start playing a 6on6 to test their communication skills and to see if they can stay at their given positions and do what we ask them to do.

Do you already have some fixed members?

Yes we do. First there is humM3L on my side with his amazing Engi- and leading skills. He plays an important role in my project because it would be just too much to handle everything on my own. Additionally he is very good in making tactics and explaining how to play and behave in certain situation. Then I got bobax and hukk. I played with them some 3on3`s and I enjoyed it. They both got a great gamesense and some sick medic skills.. I guess you will hear more about them in the future!

What is your goal as a team? Just to help the newer players to improve by praccing much or do you want to take part in all the upcoming tournaments and try to beat as an underdog team some big names?

Well ofc I want to reach something with them - lets see if we can beat some proper names in the future. It will be really hard work but I am confident to get this going!

I have seen a great example on the Team Fortress 2 community. There was a high skilled team inviting new and interested people to their teamspeak to follow their comms and watching them playing. Do you think such a concept would work for ET as well? Or can the players improve best by playing as much as possible?

Well it would work if the people are really interested - why shouldn`t it :)

Okey, back to your team. Tell us something about the classes. You are playing rifle and humM3L is second Engi. What about the other two guys? Are they both playing Medic or is one of them a Multiclasser?

humM3L will be the Fieldops and hukk will switch to Engi - he said he is used to play it and after our last 6on6 I can confirm that. The other guys will be Medics simple as :) humM3L will be the Multiclasser.

You said you had your first 6on6 already. Let us know how it went!

Yes we just played a 6on6 and it went realllly well.. nothing more to say - it was better than expected!

What is more important - sick aim or being good on comms?

For me it is good comms/motivation and gamesense.. the aim will come alongside.

What about the teamname?

We don`t know a teamname yet. We are still thinking about a sick one!

Okey, thanks for your time and I wish you all the best for the whole project. Hopefully it will not die after some weeks!

Thanks, Shoutout to AoW,survive,PDEG, and all my friends and config users out there!