Firstly lets talk about dropouts. You have to admit Warleagues wouldnt be the same without them, and this season has been no different with various clans dropping out in many different groups. Luckily Alpha hasnt been hit too hard by dropouts, with just one team Spain Azure Fate - Led by Winghaven deciding to call it a day in Warleagues before the matches even started! But we would like to wish them luck in the future.

The top performers in group Alpha have so far been:

United Kingdom Clan SoF
Finland cdap - #stfu
Czech Republic Singularity

With all these three teams managing to win all their matches so far, going through teams such as oceans6, Noll8 and elite. At the other end of the spectrum, some teams have been unlucky, loosing all their matches this week. These teams include;

Europe dFiance
Finland overload
Italy Team VagrantS

Hopefully their luck will get better as this group stage progresses.

As i said before, Warleagues always comes with controvosy, whether it be map selections, map times or matches themselves, there has certainly been plenty of it this week.

During the Europe angelDust vs. France sFx Muse match, it was discovered that angelDust was using a merc as they couldnt get hold of their 6th player. However, angelDust claim that sFx knew from the beggining but played anyway, then complained about the merc when they lost the match. Heres what Belgium Addict from angelDust had to say... "They knew it from the beginning i guess, but they kept playing" However, with these group stage less important than the second group stages or playoffs, this result is unlikely to make a huge impact, let just hope there is none of this in matches that have more at stake.

Well that pretty much sums up this week in Alpha Group at Warleagues. We wish everyone good luck next week and hope for some more excellent matches.
Be sure to check out for both the Alpha Group, and other group matches being showcased on ETTV.

By Splodge