
Game On #4.
Netherlands Overboost

Well I think it's time for #4 now. So get a comfortable chair, a cup of coffee and whatever keeps you awake. Because you'll have something to read for the next few hours. Last Game On I gave a hint about my guest in #4. Some of you did your best to "Guess the guest". Loekino was close with "DMD" but the ones that thought of mAnki were totally wrong. One of ET's monkeys: Overboost. It's been a while since we've heard of him. But he's doing all fine, and I asked him to have a chat with me.

- Hello Overboost!


- First things first, who are you?

I'm Edwin, I live in Holland somewhere near Amsterdam, and I'm a World of Warcraft addict since November 2005.

- The main theme of this interview is, offcourse, ET. When did you start playing this game?
I started playing ET 2 weeks after release, had not done any competitive until the end of 2004. I first started playing in some small unknown clans, which I can't really remember the name of. I joined a clan Imperator with Senn and boZZy and some other players, after leaving Imperator me and my friends Skaffa & Mize from that clan made a new clan called Extreme. We didn't get further than the top 10 of the 3on3 Clanbase ladder. A few months later I have joined the clan Die Monkey Die with Gjerry, SioN & AzA, and we got far in a very short time. This clan made me go further and further, eventually joining the UltimateQuest team, which later had moved on to one4one.

- You were the master of the last Summercup. Playing in the winning teams, both 6on6 and 3on3. How did that feel?

Quite good.

- How did you get to play at uQ.Gaming?

Some people had left the team, they were in need of players so Mztik sent me a message asking if I wanted to be their new recruit.

- raZz was caught for hacking last week, did you ever notice any strange things about him back then?

No, all I noticed was a high pitched voice.

- Did you see the screens, and if so, what did you think of them?

No I haven't seen the screens.

- Well enough about raZz. Back to you, how did you experience your time at uQ.Gaming/141.

Good fun, but a bit too serious sometimes. It took away the fun, and with ETPro and its antilag being retarded, the motivation to even go on in a good clan was gone. Bad combi. :-)

- Ever regret the fact that you left ET?

No, never have and probably never will, unless there are going to be some positive changes to ETPro and not everything (like prone) gets nerfed.

- If ET Pro changes that much, will you consider coming back?


- I'll personally make sure that'll happen =>.


- Now for some personal questions. How's life for you?

I'm fine, thank you very much. How's life for you then? :P

- Very hard, interviewing all these pro's who are nice to me during the interview but after that dont speak to me again is very hard :P

Aww, surely we'll speak again :(

- I've logged that! But anyway, you said you were WoW addicted. How do you manage to be addicted and still run your life smooth?

Yes but it has ben messed up from the level 1 to 60 period. At level 60 things got boring :P

- I told you when you stopped ET, that WoW sucked! I'm always right.

WoW doesn't suck at all, it's just boring.

- A little dilemma for you; What if: some offered you to make all your dreams come true, but in return for that, you'll loose all your gaming friends and all your skills. Would you accept his offer?

Yes, gaming doesn't mean anything to me, it's just something I do to kill time. And gaming friends may turn into normal friends, so there's no problem.

- Thats a pretty harsh answer, are you sure about that?


- Shoutouts?

I love Gavin DeGraw so hi Gavin. err..
Indonesia wuka$ & chaMire (my sexy indos!!)
Netherlands Flava & Tolerance (my townies)
Netherlands AzA, mize & skaffa, \o/
United Kingdom Mztik, Janah and Raizi
Poland Kot_PL (cheater)
Togo and ofcourse YOU <3

- Hehe thanks. Well good luck at WoW and Game On.


That's it for Overboost. Next time the gnomes and clovers of this guy will have to make place for me, I'm going to Ireland, where the SUN is shining bright! Cya then.

PS: Think of Latin language if you're trying to guess next weeks guest!