1. What is your confirmed lineup and the roles of the players?
    dialer (last man standing)
    blade (yolo)
    wut (speed cannon)
    tony (taking people full)
    chry (we don't know)
    maus (try to aim like 2008 but failing)

  2. How did the team come together?
    last minute lan team

  3. What's your goal at LAN? Is there a finishing position you are targeting?
    be in the final, and perhaps take it home

  4. What would you say was your best performance as a team to date?
    new team, so I would say each new day we prac

  5. Who on your team is most likely to miss their flight and turn up late to LAN?
    I guess chry will flee to albania again last minute or be in jail...

  6. How do you prepare for games?
    prac like it is 2008, we have less games compared to other teams so we try to catch up

  7. What has been your team's biggest challenge leading up to the LAN event, and how have you been working to overcome it?
    ego: shit talking eachother and being open about it helps. Running solo because you think you can clear the stage on your own.