First of all introduce yourself.

Hello, my name is Lieven " lioco " Melsens. I'm 19 years old. I live in Belgium of course. I have played RtCW ever since 2000 for about 1 year, never really in a competitive way but ok. I was planning to play it from the start but at the time my computer wasn't strong enough to play it. So after this I went to play ET, and after merely 3 months I was playing with the well known mesq, and now after 3 years I’m still playing it.

Could you tell something more about cZar?

Well it all started at the 16th of March when me, mesq, guest, snot, dNzl, acid and kevin decided to make a .be ET team. Our main goal was to play in Eurocup. After xtrazone didn't follow up on the promises they made, we decided to join cZar-gaming at 1 May. After 2 months without line-up changes, guest didn't feel like playing ET anymore so we replaced him by zeto. Shortly after, some internal clan problems made Kevin decide to leave and so on his turn he got replaced by ziff.

Tell something more about zeto and ziff, why them?

Well, guest had to be replaced by somebody who could fairly match him, so we looked around and putted all our thoughts beside and decide to give him a try. He looked like the right person with superb aim so we took zeto in. About Kevin, we knew we needed someone who is capable of playing field ops very decently; zeto proposed his former team mate ziff. After all we are happy to have them with us. zeto is a well known Belgian player. He also played in team Belgium this season and was one of the best Belgian players this year. he is also known for his amazing aim. He played in team-uQ and mycruz. On the other hand we have ziff who is also a well known Belgian. He is known for being a massive team player and someone who's always there.

Could you introduce the cZar team to us?

snot: He is probably the most experienced player in the team together with mesq, he adds the majority of team play to the team and is a very smart player.

mesq: Well known from his helix history, if you would reflect cZar as a house, he would be the fundaments where it's build on, alongside his nice aim.

acid: Mainly handles heavy weapons, knows very well how to play the game and tactically one of the best players.

dNzl: Gives the team an extra boost when times are bad, mainly seen as one of the most mature players we have and he is 100% team play. He is needed to keep the team calm, and believe me, sometimes that's needed!

Ziff & zeto: Two totally different types off players, zeto more giving the team some extra’s by his superior aim and ziff is more a team player. I can't really say much what their exact role will be in the team as they aren't long in yet but I’m pretty confident they will fit in nicely.

lio: He is the engine of the team, both in game leader and overall leader makes him the most important person within the clan. He is also known for his superb rifle skills. (introduction by snot)

What are the main goals of czar?

Well our main goal is to show what Belgium is made of and I’m sure in the future there will popup even more talents off our little county. For us, we are going for the top3 in EuroCup. if this would work out well then maybe we would like to participate in Quakecon but this is so far ahead, and ET isn't even selected yet so. One thing is sure, after EuroCup we will take a big break until any important cups are starting again.

Now about EuroCup, you won riZe and underscore, did you expect that?

Well, the win against riZe was rather unexpected, although we pracced like hell for that game so I’m glad our hard work got rewarded. Underscore was more obvious for us to win as we had won nearly every practice we played against them, although we don't like underrating teams so before the game I was thinking that we were going to lose. Helps me to stay sharp ;)

Sunday you will face singularity, what do you expect of this match?

Well, singularity lost 3 off their matches already and at the moment they haven't even took a round. I'm not going to underrate them, they just made a nice deal with a multigaming clan so I don't think they want to leave EC in shame losing every game. I hope that we can beat them.

Of all clans that probably will be in the playoffs, which do you fear most?

Well, fear is not to mention in our clan, we rather like to play a very good clan than a clan that we over rush. Only idle could bring up some fear feelings but in my opionion we can win every clan. We proved that when we won vs riZe. The only thing that can really influence winning or losing a game is the maps that were playing.

Ok, lioco that was it for today, Thanks for your time and Good luck tomorrow vs sin!

It was my pleasure