The ESL is just about to finish its first Winter Premiership. Quite a successful season with one match even being aired on German television. What do you personally think about the Premiership? Was it a success?

Well, this premiership was quite good, atleast i can say, our current admin team brought back some action in the esl et area.
Now we have to contiue and to increase our base we got.
We made some mistakes in the group stage which we will fix in the upcoming cups and with 14 dropouts out of 64 teams in the first half of the cup, we can be statisfied.
The playoffs themself gave us some big eyes on et. With our success in getting shown on giga, we catched the whole community in europe, united states and in austrailia to get all the et players on this event. It was quite awesome what some newsposters, did to make this event what it was and what it has to be, especialy some greets to swine here.

What can you tell us about future events that the ESL is going to organise for ET?

Normally, i'm not allowed to tell you any thing, which is not sure yet. Sure is, that we will make another season, starting in june and called summer season. There will be 3 cups in it.
The second cup, which it not sure yet, will be the 6on6 invite only, where 32 teams fighting in 8 groups for getting into the playoffs.
The third cup is the 3on3 FFA Cup, with 64 or more teams playing.
Now, there are things open, which we need to fix with the esl heads. You shouldn't see my words as a prove to get what i'm talking about right now, its realy not sure if we can reach our next aim, but be sure, we are trying our best to get it.
This next aim is, we are trying to get a pool of prizemoney, we are talking about 2000 € for the 6on6 Invite Only Cup and a small part for the 3on3 FFA cup.
Its still not sure, if we will get any money or prizes. Hopefully, this show will help us, to geteven more eyes of the esl on ET and to get supported. It can just help the community.
The first cup will be our 6on6 Free For All cup with the config, we already discussed on at There will be atleast 64 teams fighting in 16 groups and maybe there will be another division for it.

What was the result of the 5on5 test cup, did it satisfy you and do you think we might see a real cup for this?

Our coverage on this cup wasn't the best, and the community didn't realy support it. But it was awesome to see streetfighers winning it and seeing clans like rize, bma and tank34 facing each other there. It's not realy something to talk about for the future. I think 5on5 is over and won't be discussed anymore.

As a general thing, do you think you can establish something like a good relationship with CB and WL to synchronize your cups (so that they don't all take place at the same time)?

Well, i can say we are planning our cups next to the eurocup and to the open cup to get the best response of the community. is the best example that cb and esl can cooperate a little bit, but that we didn't get the chance to discuss with the cb crew on their spring config makes just another point, why it is impossible for us to cooperate with them in all.
The result of this is, that there will be tons of configs of different cups comming up, and Clans have to prepare each config to compete in those cups.
I don't see the warleagues as some organisation to work against or the xfire king of the hill.
The warleagues will always be a nice competition next to those big events. I don't think its mainly focused by many clans.
We are just trying to be another addition like them to the euro cup at the moment, and we just plan to face the cb in the future as esl et. In a conclusion, i would say, everyone should respect the work of the other, than et will have a nice future until return to castle wolfenstein 2 will be released.

Do you think ET needs any changing like the removal of mortar? And how long is ET going to stay as alive as it is now.?

Every game gets improved from time to time. Warcraft 3 wouldn't stay at its position if it doesn't get changes and balancing. Even Counter Strike gets improved.
I don't see a reason to let an overpowered and boring weapon in, since my personal aim is, to make et watchable. If you stop improving a game, its dead.
So, ET will stay as long alive as you improve it.

Thanks a lot for the interview.