Hi, first of all, thanks to you for spending a spare minute with me for this little interview. Could you introduce yourself abit to those who don't know you?

Hello, my name is Joe "chronos" Hughes, I'm 19 and from Essex, *essex girls ftw* England. I've been playing RtCW for 3 years, and have been in WTF, Affray, and a couple of other clans I wont bother mentioning :( !!

Alright, what about your current team, onesoldier? How long do u guys play together, could u give us a short descitption of your lineup etc?

As the name onesoldier, we have been together officially as the team name since last September (9 Months we could have had a baby by now :( ).

But previous to that, alot of us were together in affray since may of last year, this was myself, conker, merlinator, sharky, & hoontah. Previous to that, myself, merlinator, conker and sharky were also in WTF together. So 3-4 of us have actually been playing together for a good 2 years.

Now for lineup sypnosis

Chronos - Class medic,usually get the crap jobs to hold the team :)
Conker - Class medic/lt, supersub! always ready for a game!
Crmbs - Class medic, he owns it.
hoontah - Class lt, scottish downie lagger, likes to random tk :>
Juncie - Class PF, always saves the day, best pf in rtcw
Merlinator - Class lt, all he knows is how to spawnkill :)
Sharky - Class medic/lt, reliable classic style player.
Skitz - class medic, needs to ready up faster ;) good teamplayer.

**Egad** - Juncie found him on the streets of zwolle, now officially our Ambassador :D

So, tell us, what did u guys achieve yet? What are your future plans? (quakecon? they did not announce anything yet:P) And Why didnt u switch over to ET like many other (top-)teams did (a long time ago)? Or, what do u think about ET in general ?

As onesoldier, we achieved the following:

1st Place Warleagues Xmascup
1st Place Warleagues Premier League
2nd place Clanbase Opencup Winter 2005

Future plans well, I *think* that this final will be our last competitive game as a team, unless a new cup is being put together, we certainly wont play Warleagues that's for sure. Of course if QuakeCon was to have a RtCW tournament, then we would continue playing to see if we could get there :)

Why didnt we switch to ET? First off, we weren't playing as a team a long time ago :D and second, ET feels like one of those 21pence bottles of cola you can purchase from any leading supermarket - cheap, flat, and you want to spit it out after the first taste :P

Basically we all have fun playing rtcw, and when we play ET.. we get headaches with the stiff actions as you try to revive your team-mates to find they have been gibbed with 3 enemy bullets or something :P or being owned by door leaners who pump bodyshots into you, while your 2 headshots + a bodyshot count for nothing. I could go on, but would be grilled by the ET community too hard.

How do u think did the release of ET affect the activity of rtcw ? and what do u think about, the ET scene with the eurocup, last year's quakecon, coverage on german television etc ..

Well as an example.. Manchester United next week decide they will quit football, and start playing Basketball.. they suck at it, and quit as a team..

This, I think is what happened with alot of the RtCW teams that migrated to ET. The fact that ET is freely available for anyone to play is probably the main reason for it's success, easy for younger gamers to get hold of it and tell their buddies to also try it. Perhaps this is a factor of ET not fulfilling it's quakecon slots last year.

About the ET eurocup, well i dont follow the cups, so cant really comment, and didnt know there was any coverage on german tv.

Any predictions about the game vs svpermen ? What do u think of them ?

Well it will be a tough game, thats for sure. We last played vs them in the opencup final, where unfortunatly assault was chosen as the decider, which we hadnt played this map in months ;D

This time round we got beach/village so we will try our best to provide an entertaining match, good advert for rtcw :)

They are a tough team to play against being good individual aimers, with most of them playing together for a good length of time also in vib.

We'll see what happens tuesday :D

Some quickies: ET:QW or "RTCW 2" ?

god, dumb question def ;D RTCW 2 everytime

Clanbase or WarLeagues ?

hmm, Clanbase in the old days, WL in the new

Quake 4 or Warsow ?

warsow !!

Best RTCW player ever / best RTCW player u ever played with ?

hoontah!!! no, darv/raziel ever played with.. STURM!! / crmbs - he owns it

Shoutouts ?

Sturm, Egad, my cat - who is whining for biscuits.

Great, thanks for your time mate, good luck and lots of fun on tuesday, it will be one hell of a show hopefully :D