Hi, first of all, thanks to you for spending a spare minute with me for this little interview. Could you introduce yourself abit to those who don't know you?

Well, my name is Vincent 'edge' Denis. I was born in Belgium (Charleroi) in june 1988, which means i'll be 18 years old soonish. I've started playing video games quite early - I was like 6 - , I was always watching my big brother playing old games such as mortal kombat, castlevania, etc. on nes. Then, well, I tried by myself and liked that. The evolution came, and I found myself in front of a computer several years later. (after playing playstation for years). That computer wasn't decent enough to run it properly, I still remember that opengl error. I played sucky games for a while, then fortunately I could have gotten a new and more powerful comp' which, at last, meant the beginning of my return to castle wolfenstein career. I've started playing it in August 2003 (yeh, that's unluckily quite "late") and felt in love with it. I never stopped playing it and from then on never stopped improving.
I've been playing for teams such as nvo, nike-tout, reflect-gaming aka vib - which is for the time being svpermen - and finally scelesto and been quite successful during the period I've been playing in (several opencups and warleagues premiers titles).
I think the best thing I can do is leading the team i'm playing with, I've always been the in game leader and always wanted to make everything as clear and as proper as possible for my teammates. The teamplay, added to our several great individualities, came practice after practice and ended up paying.
I'd thank both my vib and scelesto teammates for bringing and learning me what I didn't know before getting to know them and for making what I am now :).

Alright, what about your current team, svpermen? How long do u guys play together, could u give us a short descitption of your lineup etc?

We've been playing with overall the same roster for years now. We started playing with that line up when
we created reflect/vib (summer 2004) - there have, of course, been a few line up changes featuring players such as KeZZa, fra, rize (kritos' cousin), etc. - but the main roster has overall been the same.

Here I go (I'll even mention a few inactive lads):

Belgium edge (cl): erm, I think I can play everything properly, been playing lieutenant with vib, and medic since mote's comeback. I'm also leading the team in game and telling what my svper hardcore ownerers got to do ('n stuff © mAx).

Belgium aRno (useless_pf): He's always been playing with me as panzer, and it never changed. He's the funniest guy in our team, but also the lamest I'd say :). Little quote taken from his panzer frag movie: "To all the players running close to each others, keep it up, I just love it."

Belgium kritos (medic): Same as aRno, he's been playing with me since the beginning. He's an agressive medic and always like playing properly against good opponents. He started playing way later than me and became quickly skilled.

France maxuh (medic): I started playing with him when I joined NT, where both kritos and I met him and aRno. He's just the best player RtCW has ever known. God himself. Awesome teamplay, amazing aim.

France mote (lieut): He's my oldest teammate, I started playing with him in one of my first teams. Then the team called it a day and I didn't see him for a while. He's always been playing RtCW at its highest level (former gros, 2o, gS:net, de.nVidia player) and been leading the french national team since its stammerings. Then, in a trouble period of reflect, we decided to go and ask him if he wanted to get back to RtCW, what he accepted. From then on he's been straightly in our ranks.

Belgium mAx (lieut): We met him when rAtatosk, his current ET team, joined up the same clan as us: reflect gaming. He was interested in RtCW, and as he was speaking the same language as us, things went pretty easily. He started playing with us in reflect and showed really quickly both what he learned in ET and was able to do individually. What impressed me the most was that such a newcomer could be as amazingly skilled as he was. The only thing he gotta do was getting more and more experience, which meant praccing more and more.
The mAx 'n mote duo brought and features some nice skills added to the experience they both got in their previous teams. He's one of the most skilled and agressive guy of the team.

France momo (medic): He's the last addition. The reason why we needed a last active player was fra's leaving us for some random nazi's. As maxuh played many months ago in the same team as momo (who hasn't been allowed to play RtCW for a long time due to internet/computer problems), we decided to pick him up. He's always been an amazing teamplayer and has always impressed me as far as reviving is concerned.

Also, no point saying all of us have an svper_awesome aim (cough!) and have been playing for our respective nation whose captains are both mote (France) and I (Belgium).

I still don't understand why fra left us sincerely!

The overall roster has then been: edge arno maxuh kritos mAx mote fra and momo. I can also mention players such as didjay (irl issues), KeZZa (q4) and cerv (irl issues) who we still apreciate a lot.

Our line up against onesoldiers will be: edge arno maxuh mAx kritos and mote.

So, tell us, what did u guys achieve yet? What are your future plans? (quakecon? they did not announce anything yet:P) And Why didnt u switch over to ET like many other (top-)teams did (a long time ago)? Or, what do u think about ET in general?

Well, as I said earlier, we've won both last rtcw opencups and a warleagues (10th season) premier title. Finished several times in the NC top 3 during the last seasons too. (Both with France and Belgium)
Our future plans, well, we'll keep playing altogether that's for sure; still don't know on which game though. RtCW at the moment, maybe w§w or rtcw2 afterwards.Quakecon? We'll see what when everything is clearly official. It would be a great adventure indeed :). And some of us have somewhen actually switched to ET - didn't stop playing RtCW though!
maxuh stopped playing ET because he really didn't like it and kept on playing rtcw. mAx started playing Q4 from its start untill now. He plays both q4 & rtcw. mote has been playing w§w and rtcw.The others are mainly playing rtcw too. I just can't be arsed giving my opinion again about ET and rtcw's differences since I've already done it previously on xfire.be - It's just different.

How do u think did the release of ET affect the activity of rtcw ? and what do u think about, the ET scene with the eurocup,last year's quakecon,overage on german television etc..

90% of the noobs stopped playing RtCW and started playing ET where they had more fun and more chance to be "good", or so they say. ET is free and has, from its start till now, always been a noob friendly game featuring all kind of players. Which meant a really important number of players playing it, seriously, a bit less, not at all, etc. A game such as ET conspicuously deserves what it's got atm: Eurocup, Nationcups and many other leagues since it has activity to do that - RtCW once did, why not anymore, ask god. It's not the best community, but it has one quality many other games haven't: the activity.
It's sad to see RtCW closer to its death every day, but you just can't do anything against that. The only thing you can hope is that the upcoming games will be decent enough and that you'll feel like start playing another team based game again (w§w?).
Because the main question is: Why leaving a game you're in love with?

Any predictions about the game vs onesoldier? What do u think of them?

They've also been playing altogether for a long time. I can still remember the good old wars between NT and Saints :).Furthermore they have several good players (and lamers) such as crmbs (probably the best uk aimer atm), juncie, etc. Though, I think we are way better than them aimwise (no offence). I'm glad to see that some teams such as onesoldiers can still play altogether, as a team afterall, and enjoy our beloved game.I hope it'll be a nice game, as always against english peeps :).


et:qw or "rtcw 2"

rtcw 2

clanbase or warleagues ?

Clanbase is more "official" I'd say, I just want to play the game, no matter whatever the league is.

q4 or warsow ?

best rtcw player ever / best rtcw player u ever played with ?

maxuh / maxuh - I'd add scelesto|papa for my northern abroad experience, he's amazing :).


The rtcw community overall, that keeps the game "alive" despite the number always decreasing of teams and players. scelesto, sad they couldn't/wouldn't play the semi.
my svpermen <:K team maelstrom, belgian and french team, blabla.

alright , nothing left for me to say except good luck and lots of fun, it will be one hell of a show hopefully.

I feel like saying ou_pas.