I wrote this for QuadV's purposes some time ago and we never really used it, its a very basic introduction to shoutcasting and how to go about it from tech perspective and some early casting lessons. It is by no means a bible, but in lieu of a recent comment asking for a tutorial to try and get more casters on the airwaves I figured its poignant to get it out there.
Shoutcasting is hard work, I've been doing it since 2003 and have put in probably thousands of hours into it. If you're not willing to put in the hard work, then don’t bother! Too many people see shoutcasting as a quick and easy route to enlarging their e-penis, but this e-penis is a privilege not a right...:P
Shoutcasting is hard work, I've been doing it since 2003 and have put in probably thousands of hours into it. If you're not willing to put in the hard work, then don’t bother! Too many people see shoutcasting as a quick and easy route to enlarging their e-penis, but this e-penis is a privilege not a right...:P
I hope CoD:MW2 will be great, looking forward to that atm + playing QL 1on1 vs Toss ! :D
we should get a cod mix at some point :D
we joined up with rockit just yesterday btw...
http://www.team-rockit.de (but the news is only avail. in german... so gonna be quite hard to read for you :D)
not today btw, gonna watch CL :D
if you guys need a hand pracing or anything give me a shout, infused always need decent "teams" to play against.
but we are trying our best :) ... gonna play some CB Ladder, if we have a decent amount of points, i guess we could try some pracc vs infused :D
mainly gonna focus on german ESL Amateur Series i guess... like most of the german teams :)
i am home in like 15mins, we could play some QL or u can watch me pwn the shit out of Toss ! :D
cu l8ers !
we played maybe 10 matches so far, he won 3 or 4 , i won 6 or 7 ... fun to play him :D
Need to expand on this point though. I know a few people with a natural talent for it but refuse to put in the work to get better. They seem to be fine with being mediocre & it shows. Was refreshing to hear your cast last night aside from all the server issues.
get your own style and do not try to copy someelses style :>
Oh no, maybe the most important point (for me) is:
Have fun! Dont take it too serious, learn to laugh about your own faults :>
I remember DJFlying saying once, that maybe 90% of the listeners dont even hear/recognize your faults, so the worst idea is to get in panic :p
then i could turn him off at least when he won't stop talking any more !!
Did you ever tried Sam Broadcast?
RobotVoice would make us all scream and laying downwith headache.
I think im too shy for that ! :(
If I say personally to you that I like you, you wouldn't listen then too :P?
Niice to know.
May I think about it :D ^^
You can imagine me saying it :D !
We will set up our own etpro server tomorrow or todays night ;) !
May you visit that sometimes and help us to get it working:) !
btw, do u use irc? Is there any channel I could find u on :p ?
But I do use xfire,msn and sometimes icq too :)
Last time I used msn and/or icq was like 5 years ago :p
orkut, though :D
maybe u should just give me a pm here tomorrow when u are on the vent/ts and will see if I find my way there :)
Anyway for an ET player, irc is pretty good thing. Because u can search for wars etc in there :)
Didnt play etpro long time. but i was noob then too when i played. But now, i've been playing it for few days again. Noone would play war with me .
But you would just run over me ^^.
I see that you like old men
noh.. ei sentääs oo sakkolihaa anymore :D
did great jokes and stuff.
Good idea, though !
Atleast I'd need a game to get started!
You're right though, some people do exceptionally well without putting much hard work in it.
But you'll still lack vocabulary and the ability to just mindlessly chat away, filling time and entertaining the listeners when there's not too much going on. I think this is one of Tosspot's key strengths, cause if you pay attention to his casts, you'll notice he kind of uses the same phrases during a match over and over again.
Casting is like drug and most important thing is like in anything else you need to do in your live - you must love it and do it with passion! That I can guarantee you success.
Spectator movement is really important and I have still problems with this. In CoD4 its very easy to follow players and actions, but W:ET is full of action and you need to stay focused.
"what the allies wanna do is get the gold in the truck, activate the crane controls, throw the truck in drive and boom boom, thats a rap"
(yes i meant wrap, but im too lazy to type it with a 'w')
I always find it alot more interesting if the shoutcaster can discuss things with some1 else.
football stylee
1. Each Shoutcaster does a round, and then they talk about whats happening in the game etc.. during ready up periods.
e.g. Tosspot and DJ Wheat
(They switch mid-round quite alot or at start of a round, DJ wheat will go
"Take us away toss...")
2. Have a main shoutcaster and a pundit type person.
The shoutcaster brings the pundit into the conversation when he thinks there is something good to talk about.
e.g. Tosspot Shoutcasting say with R0SS, tosspot does all the main commentating, but may ask R0SS...
"Oh what do you think of mamuts approach on this map..."
Then R0SS talks a bit about mamuts tactics.
R0SS can also interupt tosspot in a quiet part of the game, with some random stat to keep boring games more interesting.
I just find these approaches more interesting.
(if your talking about how to stream both voices, theres def programs available)
Is the soundcard of the Steelseries 5VH2 + USB soundcard :p a good soundcard to shoutcast.
Btw we want you to shoutcast CODMW2 !!!
E: or some1 spanish,so if some1 does hs they wud be shouting HEADSHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT