Its funny how I also seem to play devils advocate in these cases but just like with RazZ I think there is a case for the defence. Shy and Keran are both pending a ban from Clanbase which would see one of the most successful teams in 2007 expelled from Eurocup XV and yet there is something of a grey area to be examined. I'm not interested in defending them, simply highlighting the difficulty of the decision ahead.

Here you have two players who have no shame in showing their faces at lan and have (at least in Keran's case) been very active in the ET LAN scene. They are without doubt two very talented players without the use of external programs. They were in zeroPoint on their merits that they proved again and again, suddenly that proof is washed away by one stupid mistake, but if they are 90% likely to get a ban, is it right?

There is the famous case in Clanbase of CounterStrike hero Finland Natu who was playing for 4kings at the time. This man hacked in a ladder match of all things, but had attended more CPL's than most ppl ever will, he has proven to be one of the very best and yet he is banned because he hacked in a CB official. Right decision? I think so, theres a clear difference in my eyes between publics and a CB official regardless of your ability to prove your credentials.

But this isnt the same as Keran and _shy, and no I'm not writing this with any vested interest in their success as I've nothing to do with zP since the austrians left. They hacked on a public and were flagged as a result, apparently they've admitted it and it is not in doubt, what is in doubt is whether its right to ban them from a competition they are currently playing very well in.

Clanbases rules do state:

"In-game cheating outside ClanBase: On a Public / Clan server: 6 month ban"

However what do you care more about? Banning those players who you cant prove hack, but clearly do or banning someone that cheated on a public but is still better than most players in the game without that cheat.

It was Lotix's comment that really got me wondering whether there are people who are in favour of pardon'ing their error, he states:
Quote by LoTiXFunny how people got the need to talk down their et-skill because of this. They've always been better players than most of you. This doesnt change that no matter how much you believe in it. :)

I asked Netherlands m1lk of Impact Gaming what it felt like to lose to these two last night and his response was interesting:
Quote by m1lkIt doesnt feel bad to lose vs them, they're nice guys and they didn't cheat in that official. But I think they're making the same mistake I did when fost was busted. When someone's busted, just give up. There's no point in ignoring it :)

Impact, m1lk and mystic are out of the most prestigious online tournament to a team harbouring 2 players poised to be banned by Clanbase, how does that make you feel?

I ask you whether your opinion would be the same if Night was on the other end of this. If Night got banned from Clanbase for hacking on a public server it would reduce the accuracy of the result of the Eurocup, I for one would be very much against seeing him banned just for a pub hack, should I be against this case too then?

Clanbase's decision will be very interesting, personally I will understand which one they make and I really do not envy the job of Adacore or Bulld0g, whoever has to make this one, its got to be the hardest decision in the cheat busting world of ET.