After sending two rather lengthy e-mails to the cup chiefs at ClanBase, followed by an even lengthier IRC discussion with Ginga_Ninja, who is in fact a cup chief at ClanBase. I discovered some 'rules', for want of a better term, which aren't very evident on their cheating policy page. Some of the interesting things which I discovered follow.

Unless a cheater was shown to have cheated in a ClanBase game, the official ClanBase games in which he played will not be forfeited. That means that our game against Pro5 will not result in a forfeit in our favour, because keran 'only' cheated on a public. How they obtained that piece of information is beyond me, but apparently they know better. Or rather, apparently they can infer that he never cheated in a ClanBase game because it hasn't been proven that he did. It seems like ClanBase are distinguishing between 'types' of cheaters. I'd interpret, going by ClanBase policy, that it's more 'okay' to cheat on a public server. Is it so hard to enforce a zero-tolerance policy? Apparently being shown to be a liar and a cheater doesn't do much to diminish one's credibility, according to ClanBase.

Using the keran case, since it's a fresh example, he said something about using the cheat once on a public non-PB server. Why was it that he was caught on a PB server? Maybe his Multihack CFG skills are on par with his ASE server filter skills. Firstly, that would indicate that he lied about where he used it, and also that he used it more than once, as someone revealed that he used it in a 1on1 with a consenting player. That coupled with the fact that it has been proven that he did cheat should surely mean we ought to be rather wary about him. Why does he still get the benefit of the doubt, claiming that he didn't use it in an official? This isn't a case of guilty until proven innocent, it's a case of him not deserving to be believed, he's inclined to try out a cheat on more than one occasion, that's enough of an indication as to what type of guy he is. Why should we believe him?

So take note my fellow ET gamers, start practicing your defence, common excuses include "it was my brother" or "I was at a LAN", but apparently "I was testing hitboxes" works a treat too. Get working on your excuses, you never know when they'll come in handy. You can basically cheat all you want in pracs/publics/other leagues and you won't get more than a personal ban from ClanBase. Your clan suffer any negative consequences whatsoever, even if they knew you were going to be banned.

Carrying on from my initial discovery, we can conclude that in any non-ClanBase play, a cheating offence is treated with only a personal ban, meaning that the punishment is a 6 month ban for the player, nothing more. Does anyone happen to remember the razz incident? That wasn't a ClanBase game. When asked about that, Ginga_Ninja admitted that the Team-Helix games which were forfeited as a result of razz's rivatuner tweaks were actually a mistake, an incorrect decision if you will. He claimed that the correct decision should have been only a personal ban for razz, and that Team-Helix's games should not have been forfeited. Looks like Team-Helix could have played that EuroCup afterall, too bad guys!

Another example is the Team-viSual case, a clan participating in this season's ET OpenCup. One of their players, Phunk, was caught hacking on a public server, his clan was red carded, and their games were forfeited: 1, 2 & 3. I also asked Ginga_Ninja about this one, turns out that this one was a mistake too, oopsie.

Yet another example is the mize incident, whereby he was told to get off a server and that he wasn't allowed to play, because he had been caught cheating prior to that. Note that he wasn't actually banned - his ban was still pending I believe. I also asked Ginga_Ninja about this one, guess what? It was a mistake too, turns out that mize should have actually been allowed to play in that game.

At this point, he seemed to have an answer for everything, I clearly wasn't getting anywhere, he constantly kept repeating that this keran decision was a correct one, and that all the others were incorrect. I tried a different approach, I raised the point that, strictly speaking, Pro5 did in fact use a banned player during the game, as the ban was applied about 15 minutes before the game ended. Ginga_Ninja first used the excuse that the game had already started, I then asked him where I could find that particular line in the rules, he claimed that forfeiting the game on account of that be 'ridiculous' and that it would cause a 'dangerous precedent'. I agree that at this point I was probably being quite petty, arguing over the semantics of a rule, but in my eyes it was no more pathetic than Pro5 willingly playing with someone that they knew would be banned. Ginga_Ninja seemed to acknowledge that, while I may be correct, it'd be far too controversial and cause too much whine. Wouldn't it be a fair punishment though? Wouldn't it send out a message, once and for all, for people to stop fucking playing with busted cheaters? Pro5 risked it and took their chances, knowing fully that his ban was imminent, they should be punished for thinking they could get away with it.

In spite of ClanBase regretfully acknowledging their slow and archaic system for banning people, they still won't account for it. Therefore, you're basically screwed if you come up against a player who has cheated, unless it was in an official ClanBase game. Clown told me that he recently lost a 3on3 OpenCup game with his 3on3 clan 'neegers', against overload, who had JkzZ playing for them. JkzZ has since been banned for cheating. Unfortunately, the game won't result in a forfeit win in favour of neegers, because JkzZ 'only' cheated on a public server. JkzZ is probably more widely regarded as being a cheater than keran is, but the fact of the matter is that there is no way of being certain how much he cheated, or where he did it (whether it was a prac or an official game), the same way we don't know how much or where keran cheated. ClanBase shouldn't be required to make a judgement call in these situations. It should be black and white, if you cheat, under any circumstance, you should be punished like any other cheater - the only difference should be the length of the ban, the only thing that matter is that we have established that both are cheaters. That would be fair justice, instead of cheating a legitimate team like neegers out of a victory.

Despite this comedy of errors on behalf of ClanBase, I've been assured that they will fix these things, such as working on the problem of there being a different outcome to almost every decision, despite them being almost identical. I've been assured that these inconsistencies will be a thing of the past. I suppose that's too little too late for clans like Team-Helix and neegers though. I've also been assured that the policy page will be updated to be 'more clear', I assume this relates to the part about playing with a banned player. So it's okay everyone, we can all go back to accepting ClanBase's ways and means, they'll be fixed soon anyway! Eventually I gave up, having realised that Ginga_Ninja was only one step short of actually making excuses for keran, I quickly whoised him to check if it was keran, having discovered that it wasn't, and that I wasn't the victim of a cruel practical joke, my mind was at ease. For about one second. Are ClanBase really that stupid? Is this leniency really doing anything good for our game, or for gaming as a whole? I was quite shocked by what I was reading.

Some food for thought: why do we actually still play in ClanBase? Most people I speak to are unhappy with the mappool, the config and the ban system. Why do we still play there? What does it have that ESL doesn't have, or even Warleagues for that matter? ClanBase is but a name, and it's a shadow of its former self, it used to be something I looked up to, now it's something I vow to never play in again, if I can avoid it.