What happened to respect ?
ET was all about respect and competitive gaming between co-gamers...
But I can't seem to get it how it's possible that ET changed so drastic...

I'm talking about the things that are happening in Cups , ladders even publics...
People can't realise that not every person who is better then them are not cheating...
They "have to be".
Do you really think because Cheats are more improved , easier to get and less dangerous to get banned that everyone "must have them" ?

For some people who want to know what I think ?
It’s a load of Cow-Crap.
Before the Cheat area, people were already trying to find bugs , exploits and more. but that's another thing then using aimbots or wallhacks..
I think only a small amount of people really use those things because like in real time events of sport etc. They get "pushed to it". Have do to better then they can ,they may not let people down. They may not make mistakes .

But then my question to you : isn't making mistakes a human aspect ?
Don’t we all have a bad day ? or in the other way , a good day ?
A day where you hit when you suppose to hit. A day when you aren’t messing around.
A day when you’re awake , ready to shoot ?

People seem to think that If you’re good , you have to stay good.
You can’t have a bad day , or worse, you can’t have a good day.

Respect is lost in ET.
Try to find honestly low+ if you are low+, and u get spammed with : newbie, low-, go to other channels... etc…

People, I'm begging you. look at the old days of ET or any other game.
people got there ass kicked then as well ,when they didn't even got good aimbots or what so ever...

I bet your ass someone would post a comment with : " weren't u a cheater ? "
Well I wasn't , if u don't trust me... Then just Fuck off. because I'm here to have a good time.. Respect others and enjoy myself.

Think about it , how a bit more respect to others gets u further then being a prick..
As well as trying to stick up with less skilled then you , give them tips , help them out.
Don’t shout at them or call them newbie, kick them from channels , or publics.

BTW : this is a ex-journal edited because I had this many great replies on it.
Like I said we can change this way of going .

Save ET , show respect , get some dignity and make ET the respectful community he was ones.