That is ET is full of cheaters lately cannot be a surprise to the most of us. It’s daring to say that almost 50% of the players has ever used cheats or anything related to cheating, but I’m quite convinced it’s the truth. That we can’t really stop cheating should be clear by now. If u check the forum topic’s at crossfire u see dozens of thread about hackers. So stopping them is impossible, and I even have a lot of respect for people like bulldog and rfiki who keep on trying, although I believe they also know they’ll never be able to stop cheaters(correct me if I’m wrong guys).

So as I said stopping the cheaters is no option. But the big problem nowadays is that nobody really cares anymore if they are playing with a cheater or if they aren’t and that is the proof that it’s really going wrong with the attitude of the community towards cheaters. A few days ago I was looking for a 3on3 and there was a team with silent (he was caught for cheats). So I confront the player looking for a war with the fact that he is playing with an cheater.

02(stormG|away02)there was proof, he was caught
02(aux`wEAK02)ye for some random public hack months ago
02(aux`wEAK02) i dont give a shit
02(aux`wEAK02) tbh
02(stormG|away02)n1 attitude

This is when it really starts to go wrong. Why shouldn’t u hack if nobody cares anymore and everyone keeps playing with u. Hell, it’s even a motivation to start hacking. Hack away lads, we’ll one keep playing with u since we don’t give a shit if you use hax or if u don’t.

If u see a new team arise and u see that they got a player like danone in their line up you start to wonder. Agreed there is no 100% solid proof danone haxes , but let’s be honest it’s quite difficult to bust someone with private hax and have solid proof. Shouldwe give suspected cheaters the benefit of the doubt. The community clearly does but I for one think we shouldn’t give them the benefit of the doubt . A player like silent should get a permanent ban. He knew the consequences before he started using cheats, he knew what could happen and he has to carry the full responsibility for his cheatings, meaning a ban. The real problem is what to with players who play very suspicious but without a proof. You can’t just ban then if there is not a single proof, cf. danone. Of course it is very subjective judging a player. Some players will say there is nothing weird about danone others are convinced he haxes. But let’s be honest his “danonic ip and his not being able to come to cpc2” are the two factors to decide will I put this person under the haxers or won’t I. The same goes for rocky. Let’s be honest this guy is clearly on-line only. And it’s up to the community to decide what on-line only means. The problem is that people make a wrong interpretation of on-line only. Yes u smart crossfire reader out there u know what I’m talking about on-line only is just another word for cheater.

So what can we do. Well I think we evolved to far, the players mentality has been influenced that hard that it’s impossible to start using a zero-tolerance . Also that clan members keep defending their own teammates when it is obvious they hack. People just close their eyes and act like nothing has happened.
What disappoints me the most is the fact that teams like myLegend take in someone of which it is pretty obvious something is fishy. Those teams should set examples and say no to players who are suspicious but then again this only proofs my point.
Cheating has become a part of this game. People don’t care anymore and even agree with the fact that players cheated and minimize the behavior of them. So if u really want to start doing something about cheaters u should start with the non-cheaters their mentality.

Of course this was a very subjective opinion and I hope no one blames me for my opinion and this is not meant to insult any players or whatsoever.
Thanks for your time