A boring title but let’s talk about maps. What makes a map good? A map is good in xfire standards when it is suited for competition. When is a map suited for competition? Good question! In Return to Castle Wolfenstein most maps had a main objective which could be completed from the start. They also had side objectives which could make it easier to complete the objective but it wasn’t necessary to complete them. Take a look at mp_ice. It had two side objectives (the door and the side wall) but you could get the documents (and bring them home) without completing those objectives. Assault could be completed without having to blow up the hatch and the door. You didn’t even have to grab the forward spawn (but it made it easier and you’d pass it anyway). My point being: The maps only had one major phase.

Now onto Enemy Territory. Oasis could be compared to mp_beach of Return to Castle Wolfenstein. The tunnel way and the wall. Beach had the door and the wall. In both maps it was possible to get over the wall without blowing it up. Goldrush was really multi phased. Phase one: Get the tank. Phase two: Drive the tank to the barrier and blow the barrier up (this was later simplified). Phase three: Get the docs and drive the jeep. That are a lot of phases! If I remember correctly (my memory is horrible) te_goldrush was made which bypassed the tank barrier phase. Finally let’s take a closer look at Radar. It has a capturable flag but that isn’t needed to complete the objective. However, blowing up the doors is. One door can be opened by a covert op. This makes it comparable to Oasis and Beach. When the doors are blown both radars are there to grab. Then you just have to bring those babies home. When I quickly compare maps from Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Enemy Territory with each other it seems to, on average, have an extra phase. Most maps are multi phased.

Now onto Quake Wars. Only one map is released. Some lucky people have been playing the other maps already but looking at Sewer and the maps Splash Damage made for Enemy Territory I think it’s fair to assume they are multi phased. Sewer has three phases. Phase one: Build the EMP. Phase two: Blow up the sewer. Phase three: Hack the sewer controls. The strogg shields make it impossible to skip a phase. I’m not sure if that would be the case in the other maps as well, if it is it sucks.

What is better? Multi phased or just one? I’ll quote the famous Beach Boy Dusty:
Quote Adding stages to a map is just like adding safety nets - we'd all rather watch a tightrope walker walk over a pool of crocodiles without a safety harness on rather than with one. (shit example, I know :p)

And making a single mistake cost a whole round will allow giant killing, the underdogs could win for a change, people won't come to spec matches already being 100% sure of the outcome

And making a mistake isn't just lotto, the difference between 2 top teams will often be one small mistake (a missed spawn for example)

I couldn’t agree with the Beach Boy more! Multi phased maps make it harder for the underdogs. Mistakes should be punished. With these safety nets disguised as phases they are not. Every team is given a second or third chance! Which is ridiculous.

Then there another thing: Document runs versus dynamite objectives. Which is more exciting? Document runs are in my opinion. A player could slip through, catch the documents and completely disrupt the defense because of confusion. With dynamite objectives the player that slipped through already has to be an engineer and the defending team has 30 seconds to correct their mistake.

The final thing is time. In Enemy Territory the map times were already a lot longer than in Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Quake Wars seem to have even longer map times. Longer is boring in my humble opinion. It doesn’t add anything either. Everything could be packed in less than ten minutes. In Enemy Territory a map like Supply Depot became popular because it was quick. A lot of action and lots of speed. That is more exciting to watch than the old goldrush which took ages and was boring.

So the maps should only have one major phase. Document objectives are preferred over dynamite objectives. This would help decreasing the map times which is a lot more exciting. All these things makes a game more fun. For players and spectators! This is all for competition. What about the public players? I’ll ask you one thing: What was more fun? Slipping through the defense that raped your team on Beach and get the documents or not getting the tank for 20 minutes at Goldrush?

I hope to get input from all of you. Take a look at maps from the perspective of the player and spectator! Both is needed to make a game a success competitively. Hopefully there will be a lot of map makers which can produce maps that are suited for competition.