This was going to be a journal, but I got carried away and wrote too much.

I think the majority of people here know that the MAIN problem with ET is that of cheaters. It's a free game and with that you attract a certain amount of people that choose to exploit that game by using hacks or bots.

Looking at the games currently out now and in the pipeline - in my opinion is, and will be, near the top of the list of games I like to play. I enjoy to play ETQW and CoD4 too, however I currently don't think there is a true rival to the experience you get when you play ET, whether it be on a public or in a match.

We have had many suggestions over, say the last year or so, offering ideas of how the game could be improved to re-vitalise it. Whether it be through new maps, more competitions, prize money and also by stopping the number of hackers. We've tried new maps, we have more competitions and we have prize money as well (CDC LANs etc) and yet, the recent confirmation of departure of United Kingdom Bulld0g from the ET anti-cheat team at CB highlights the fact that it doesn't seem to be working.

Now, if I'm honest, I'm not the most technically minded individual - sure I can edit my config to create pretty pink binds and sure I can make things appear in bold. But anything else and I'm pretty much stuck, so below I have some questions.

Quote• We have already established that PB is no longer updated in ET, but would a full PB update stem the flow of cheaters in ET?

• Would a new PB update make the majority of hacks unusable on ETPro and in competition?

• How quickly would an update of PB be cracked by the likes of NetCoders to allow hacks to continue to work in it?

The next bit of text below depends entirely of the answers to the questions above. If you remember back to 2006 - Crossfire ran a fund raising appeal to send a team to Quakecon. The appeal was pretty successful with many users donating around 1 Euro each in order to help finance the project.

IF a PunkBuster update for Enemy Territory would stem the flow of cheaters in the game, particularly in ETPro and the competitive side of the game. IF it would be hard for NetCoders to crack and IF the majority of hacks currently being used would no longer work - would anyone be willing to do the same and donate 1 Euro each (or more) to fund another PB Update?

Please note, this is just an idea and doesn't necessarily mean this project would go ahead as I don't know how much this would even cost to fund a PB update. But it seems to me that the main barrier for ET to continue is money and here is an idea to keep ET going.