Some high skilled players are giving their opinion on the two formats. They all answered the same question.

image: 5o5bro

[center]Having now played 5on5, what conclusions can you draw from it?[/center]

Germanydrago : It felt hard to adapt to 5on5. It is not as crowded and heavily aim based, spam is even deadlier now. Even one guy on full can turn a game around, so you have to play really careful. Personally, I prefer 6on6, but I admit that 5on5 might be better for the future of E.T. The only thing I'd like to change is the mappool, I hate supply... please make it disappear !

Finlandlettu : I think 5on5 is vastly different from 6on6 ! To put it small, it is closer to freedom of 3on3 where you don't have to have this spam avoidance skill.

Other things are: rifle is a bit more poferful I think and game like I said is more about aim, talented aimers have more chances to make an impact. I do like it and can't see why anyone would hate 5on5 and love 6on6 or vice versa, its sensless whine to me.

Just something everyone has to adapt to and then decide which one they prefer more, at the moment I can't say which one I like more.

GermanysNoOp : 5on5 has been tried two times already and failed both times so things should actually be clear about it. I've got the feeling that there is way less action in 5on5 than in 6on6 and 1-2 spam kills totally turn the game sometimes. I've got the feeling that it's also alot more difficult to make tactics especially for defense on some maps.

Also there has been much more rape from what I've experienced yet, the maps are over rather quick. And spam, which I really liked to be honest, has somehow been reduced very much except for rifle which seems to be over-powered and the game is WAY more aim based now.

SlovakiaFiLuS : My opinion is not really positive or negative. When I look back at the last months of 6v6 there were many troubles with getting 6th in many matches, tactics were more-less predictable and few teams were just beating everything in their sight.

But, 6v6 was here since RTCW and it has a big history. On the other hand, 5v5 brought some freshness into competition, tactics are more variable right now, there is no team dominating everything around anymore (wider circle of so called "top-teams"). But there are few thing that needs to be fixed (riflenades or power of spam in general).

I can't say I prefer one format. I like both and don't really mind which one is going to be main competition format in future.

image: 5o5

FinlandSample : I understand the reason why 5on5 is played now. Of course players want to practice this format since it's used at LAN. But I'm not going to take part of it, except for NC (laughs).

5on5 doesn't work at all. It simply lacks one player. Some stages can't be controlled anymore and because of that you can't play some maps anymore (for example bremen). Two kills means your defence is fucked no matter what. Only sp_delivery_te is better in this format (less spam).

To conclude, 5on5 is bullshit, hopefully it will be 6on6 after lan.

NetherlandsteKoa : As I haven't played 5on5 that much myself I am not sure about it yet.

I do think the rifle is too powerful now for 5on5, maybe making it a bit weaker would work but i'm not sure about this. I still prefer 6on6 because I have played it for a long time and everything seems to be balanced that way.

GermanyButchji : This format isn't new though. It was tested in 2006, I prefer 6on6.

FinlandIron : Haven't played it much since I'm not playing a lot nowadays. As I've said several times before, I really dislike 5o5 online. Eventhough I understand why they use it for lan. Can't figure anything that could improve it at the moment.

NetherlandsAti_ : It doesn''t really matter for me or my preformance if it is 5on5 or 6on6. I enjoy playing both 5on5 and 6on6 and I don't think there needs to be any changes, removing pronedelay would be a good idea though.

Francefra : The only moments I remember myself playing 5on5 were during the 2008 SummerCup and to be honnest it sucked hard. I think it doesn't correspond to E.T's spirit.

FranceStrAf : I prefer 5on5, it is more clear, it implies more aim and defences are not static anymore.

AnonymousCrossfire : The 5on5 idea came to mind when thinking about how to run the Challenge LANs better, in our current location we're limited to running just 2 matches at a time for E.T if we have any other games because we only have 2 sets of 6 PC's.

For CIC7 we could (unconfirmed) have as many as 80 PC's which will all be set out in sets of 5 PC's, meaning we can put players from ALL games anywhere across the venue. From an administrative position this is 110% better than 6on6, particularly as we're expecting around 20 teams for the event for E.T.

As much as each of us are RTCW & ET purists at heart, the three of us (Tosspot, Adacore and Cash) debated out the pro's and con's of the switch and the con's from gameplay do not appear to have outweighed the pro's from an event perspective.

After coming to that conclusion, I ran the idea by a number of players both high and low skill before making the final decision and announcement. At the end of the day, if you dont like it your beef lies with me.

In hindsight now, having E.T sat next to a gigantic CoD tournament there's no doubting that this will prove to be a good decision from an event management perspective. If E.T falls behind schedule we can place teams anywhere to play. Look at the Intel 1 day Cup signups also with about 40 teams in each, I'd say the decision proved not too unpopular with the players though I've no doubt many of those people would rather 6on6 than 5on5 but "accept" 5on5.

Images by : Francephaloid

What do you think, crossfire ?