As you already know, there is a poll on xfire about custom maps, and as you already read on the news page and in an other article, there is a mapcontest running.
splodge wrote a column here:
There was another journal/column/article some weeks ago about custom maps, didn't found it yet.

Supply Depot, made by ginc, is the most played custom map, some call it overplayed, other just still love it, another will be braundorf in future, in my oppinion, this map is saved in the mappools and will be used in future for sure (thats why i didn't write about it here).

Future mappool:
- supplydepot2
- braundorf b4
- sw_goldrush
- radar

So, we need 3-4 maps, which we all like to play in the competitions. Its hard for one mapper, to get this filled with different maps. Ifurita made some nice maps, which i'd like to show you here again with some other nice maps.

In future, i will add submitted maps to the "Get The Map" Contest by

And: Would be nice to get a teaser image for each map :) pm me for it.

Maps left for report:
- tc base by MXL
- rommel

Maps i didn't find:
- frostbite te?
- railgun summer edition? sw railgun? need link :/
(^--mapscript sucks)

Old Comments can be found here: