SW Oasis
Author: Riverstyxx
Download: ffs

With the new oasis, you have more chances to get the guns fast, the problem, why clans don't like it is that they don't know any good defense or just don't know any good attacks and say "whoo, another fullhold version of oasis". But its not possible to defend everything,when there is a team which attacks with 6 players on different ways to get the guns.

Against supply:
+ need all classes
+ spawnkills became very hard
+ nice map concept with the new waterpump and the guns

For supply:
- fps lags lags lags!!
- some bugs against good movement at long way.

europe history:
Used in Clanbase Season Fall 05/06
Used in toFOUR ET Cup
Used in ET-Cup
Used in the mappools of ESL, CB and GET

El Kef
Author: Marko
Download: www.splashdamage.com (forums)

Its a big map with the need of covert ops and 3 eng to get everything very fast.
The axis have to build up manny things allied team can destroy, its hard to say how long this map will take, but it will become a "lucker" map for sure, so i personally didn't liked it, because of the comcept and of the time, you need to attack and to defend.

Against supply:
+ need all classes
+ grush like without tank

For supply:
- fps lags again :/
- manny bugs (alpha te version if i'm right) => sd forums
- complicated map concept
- to much to destroy in the offense
- dark

europe history:
Gamers Database cup? Didn't follow the cup, but did they play this map?

Special Delivery 2
Author: comment/pm please
Download: http://maps.vpclan.de/etmain/sp_delivery2.pk3

If you watched supply, and change to this map, you will say: hmpf... well, atleast i did so ;)
The textures are very boring and it looks like .. dunno. Well, the map itself and its concept is nice, you have a lift inside to get the button, u have to press for securing the stolen gold.
The axis spawn is next to the button, but its still very hard to the trucks and the button.
Its nice to reclaim the flag like on ice and its very usefull and can save you some mins.
The attacks are free, you can attack lower way, 2 upper ways and from the lift :)

Against supply:
+ nice, new idea
+ a lift!!!1111 :D
+ no spam in the backer defense (mobile and stuff is possible, but where to?)
+ 1st rush trickjumping to get the flag or just planting and running with teamplay for it.

For supply:
- fps lags next to the trains at start :/

europe history
Used in the latest GET cup (played this sunday)