Map by: Ifurita
Download: ffs

Well, i like playing it in competitions, and its still a competition map here in europe.
Sure, some call it lucker map, because its hard to get the tower's defence back, but i think, its a nice gameplay possible on this map.

Against supply:
+ stable fps
+ nice gameplay with covert ops
+ fast attacks
+ different attacks possible
+ not that much positions for backshooting

For supply:
- very hard to get backdefence back
- called lucker map (not by me!!)
- mobile spam :(

europe history:
Used in Clanbase Season Summer 05
Used in Clanbase Season Spring 05
and some others?

Map by: Ifurita
Download etc version:

Let the door in the church open in 15 seconds (maybe with a small delay) and fix some bugs like shooting through boxes.
Another thing is to try to remove some windows and to make it a less camping map in some areas and to get more fps on it.
You can remove some of the cars in the front of the church too and replace it with simple boxes too.

This changes will make the eu gaming community loving your map.

Against supply:
+ very nice movement on the map
+ fast attacks possible with 2 nice docruns

For supply:
- fps lags
- bugs and probs with boxes
- backshooting
- Door opens to fast

europe history:
Used in Clanbase Season Summer 05
Used in Clanbase Season Spring 05

La Rochelle
Map by: Ifurita

Its a very nice map, respect for your work and it was fun to play it in the Fart Fall Cup. Its good with fps (better in the back) and the balance is very nice.
Fin another thing instead of using trains and a very big area for the

The Gameplay of this map is fantastic, realy n1 work by the mapper, the only problem is, that it takes a little bit too long, after you pushed the button. 30 or 45 seconds are enough here - with an axis spawn of 30 - (i think, atm you have 60 or 75).

Against supply:
+ Nice new idea, no need for any class at startup
+ Good movement on the map

For supply:
- Big area
- manny positions to camp (tains and stuff)
- No overview, manny ways
- fps lags :/

europe history:
Used in Fart Fall Cup 05