During the past months, there has been a wave of "backstabbing", an act which in the eyes of some ET Players has become second nature, is there no e-loyalty in the world of e-Sports today?

It all started when EnglandR0SS ousted BelgiumJere some weeks before the CIC7 LAN took place, due to Jere constantly lagging out, although the nature of it isn't that grave, the community was quick to respond to this act, with over 500 comments bashing R0SS and Maltatoxic. What am I trying to point out here? Wiaderko who was a member of EuropeEC Winners ended up trailing for EuropeRockit and Wiadro stated to them that he couldn't practice with them that night due to a family problem, only to show up in EuropeYYT's lineup. One would expect that wiaderko would now stay in the same team for a while, but on the contrary he left PolandtMoe for AnonymousEASY MODE.

Quote by NightThere's no chance I'd ever take wiaderko to my team. Have 0 respect for that dude. Atleast have some balls to tell your teammates that you're leaving them if you don't like anything. Don't hide in the cave and lie like an assface.

Before and after this, the wave of clanhopping has continued and increased, seeing both former Englandc45 players, Englandsqzz & Englandrazz join forces at EnglandImpact and former Rockit player FrancekARnAJ joining Europedignitas, ex-EstoniaEesti Veri player FinlandSlarto joining GermanyaNexis, NetherlandsOvie losing his place at BelgiumFiF, and the list of these known players goes on and on, seemingly without an end to it.

Have we reached a stage where being loyal to your clan doesn't count in e-Sports? I don't have the answer for this and i'd like you to give me your thoughts, if you had the opportunity to join another clan with the consequence of stabbing your own team would it mind you at all, or should we get used to the fact that internet friendship/loyalty to your teammates doesn't exist anymore? Is it safe to make a team and be sure one of your members will not oust your clan for another, is it time to create some type of e-contract which will forbid players from exchanging clans, something which is becoming more popular in clans having serious MGCs.

P.S: I have the utmost respect for all players above and the column is not meant as a personal attack.