During the past months, there has been a wave of "backstabbing", an act which in the eyes of some ET Players has become second nature, is there no e-loyalty in the world of e-Sports today?
It all started when R0SS ousted Jere some weeks before the CIC7 LAN took place, due to Jere constantly lagging out, although the nature of it isn't that grave, the community was quick to respond to this act, with over 500 comments bashing R0SS and toxic. What am I trying to point out here? Wiaderko who was a member of EC Winners ended up trailing for Rockit and Wiadro stated to them that he couldn't practice with them that night due to a family problem, only to show up in YYT's lineup. One would expect that wiaderko would now stay in the same team for a while, but on the contrary he left tMoe for EASY MODE.
Before and after this, the wave of clanhopping has continued and increased, seeing both former c45 players, sqzz & razz join forces at Impact and former Rockit player kARnAJ joining dignitas, ex-Eesti Veri player Slarto joining aNexis, Ovie losing his place at FiF, and the list of these known players goes on and on, seemingly without an end to it.
Have we reached a stage where being loyal to your clan doesn't count in e-Sports? I don't have the answer for this and i'd like you to give me your thoughts, if you had the opportunity to join another clan with the consequence of stabbing your own team would it mind you at all, or should we get used to the fact that internet friendship/loyalty to your teammates doesn't exist anymore? Is it safe to make a team and be sure one of your members will not oust your clan for another, is it time to create some type of e-contract which will forbid players from exchanging clans, something which is becoming more popular in clans having serious MGCs.
P.S: I have the utmost respect for all players above and the column is not meant as a personal attack.
It all started when R0SS ousted Jere some weeks before the CIC7 LAN took place, due to Jere constantly lagging out, although the nature of it isn't that grave, the community was quick to respond to this act, with over 500 comments bashing R0SS and toxic. What am I trying to point out here? Wiaderko who was a member of EC Winners ended up trailing for Rockit and Wiadro stated to them that he couldn't practice with them that night due to a family problem, only to show up in YYT's lineup. One would expect that wiaderko would now stay in the same team for a while, but on the contrary he left tMoe for EASY MODE.
Before and after this, the wave of clanhopping has continued and increased, seeing both former c45 players, sqzz & razz join forces at Impact and former Rockit player kARnAJ joining dignitas, ex-Eesti Veri player Slarto joining aNexis, Ovie losing his place at FiF, and the list of these known players goes on and on, seemingly without an end to it.
Have we reached a stage where being loyal to your clan doesn't count in e-Sports? I don't have the answer for this and i'd like you to give me your thoughts, if you had the opportunity to join another clan with the consequence of stabbing your own team would it mind you at all, or should we get used to the fact that internet friendship/loyalty to your teammates doesn't exist anymore? Is it safe to make a team and be sure one of your members will not oust your clan for another, is it time to create some type of e-contract which will forbid players from exchanging clans, something which is becoming more popular in clans having serious MGCs.
P.S: I have the utmost respect for all players above and the column is not meant as a personal attack.
But then again, it is quite common for top teams to shape their ranks if deemed necessary to be able to perform up to par. Money is involved so teams should arrange the best possible scenario for themselves. ET has gone beyond the funteam friends-forever idea, and is going towards LAN-orientated competition, where money does matter. If someone prevents you from having any pracs, then a replacement has to be found. It's nothing personal, but the community still sees this as some kind of act of cruelty, while in fact, it should be natural.
No, just NO.
I better like playin online or going to lan for fun and winning my money by other ways than gaming .
karnaj's wasn't really a backstab, leaving ri for dignitas anyone could do that tbh
sqzz and razz go way back, so understandable
1: so thats the reason why u cant call it backstabbing?
2: no, not everyone would do that
And tbh, a lot of people would have do the same as me, not only because of the LAN support (and god know how I need it :D) but simply because it's the best ET team that this game ever had ...
has that ever been the case? there were always a few players hopping teams for years, yet nobody wrote an article about it.
Personally, I don't know why he'd "backstab" a stable, well performing LAN team for an online-only backups-abusing mix that will fold after, if not during, EuroCup. But yeah sure, keep believing it is malicious.
From what I hear, this isn't just "popular" it's a necessity if you want a lot of support from a bigger MGC in certain games. It also isn't just "some e-contract" but a serious legally binding contract and I'd wager it'd be a terrible idea to sign off on one without having someone familiar with law/legal lexis reading it first; you'd be awfully naive to believe it's just about "loyalty" and not "exchanging clans" :D
From the perspective of common law (law of UK and most Commonwealth countries), these contracts fullfill all the relevant criteria necessary for a contract to become legally binding on both parties including that of sufficient consideration.
Both parties provide consideration which is least to say sufficient. Thus the contract is valid and can be enforced against either one of the parties.
Now, looking at the doctrine of consideration in relation to Killerboy's proposed "loyalty contracts". The basic idea would be:
In this case consideration is provided only by A. B offers nothing in return. Thus, even if everyone signs the contract, there might come a point in time when A decides to "pull off a wiadro" on his team... and nothing will stop him from doing so.
In the eyes of the court, there would be a total failure of consideration in the agreement, thus the contract would be non-existant in the first place (restitutio ab ignitio), despite what everyone thought.
Concluding, sorry Killerboy but your "simple loyalty contract" idea cannot be realised.
E: and its not first time he did smth like that...
funny U talk about that
dont pull things out of their context. Slarto left as eev wasnt going nowhere, you cant blame him for leaving. We gave it a shot, played for several weeks but the team never worked out, if anyone is to blame its me for sucking and not having any motivation to play more than one game in the evening while hitting 20 acc consistently.
But yeah, I never understood how teams could hop around from mgc to mgc. Just like I never understood people starting a new team every two weeks.
And it seems eev was meant to be a LAN-team anyways so I would have been kicked out in some point. ;_;
Sorry I just lolled a bit
Serious business? Maybe for you
In general, it depends on 2 factors: if you have more fun winning or just playing with your friends and if you really think of people you know through the i-net as of your real friends. Simple as that.
Contracts are quite normal on a pro gaming level. Otherwise they are just pointless. You have to remember the game is just a way to have fun.
I think I get what you are trying to say though. On a higher skill level some of those international teams tend to be composed of players who just want to play with a good team and don't care if they like eachother or not.
he see's names like butchji and all this and leaves....
E: i hope you see this little backstabbing cheating cunt...
theres no difference in the translations
e: seems leo is a fuckin lion.
and tbh, i would have used utmost too, just because my feel for language would have told me so
e: he is a fuckin lie, he eats dictionaries for dinner
if u do decide to leave a team u can do it the right way and explain ur self etc
e: You can add miks to that list, he backstabbed us in the middle of last OC play-offs.
Napsuu joskus 1200-1600 välil todnäk
Nonetheless, I'd consider backstabbing a flaw of the youth (I mean youth on an experience basis) and wiadro (taking into account only the Rockit incident).
Once you get to that desired level of proficiency there is simply no point doing it, unless you are fuckin' retarded that is.
First of all you are basically exchanging one Big Mac for another Big Mac with the only difference being the amount of ketchup. Secondly, and this derives from the former, you'll achieve a similar result with either of the two teams, but you will loose respect in the eyes of pretty much everyone.
Even the team you eventually joined will see you as a potential risk. Afterall, you have already proven to everyone that you are mentally and intelectually retarded and should be kept in a cage since you are not capable of forming a part of any society, however small it would be, an ET team for example.
It's only a matter of instinct that wiaderko backstabbed some randoms to team up with his SNB True Bros.
SNB 4 life. :)
However, I wouldn't be mad if someone left if they gave a good reason and atleast talked about it with the team.
but u have to tell that to ur teammates
i cant stand guys who just disappear without saying shit
everyone has some real life/hardware/etc.-issues and after all its just a game, but dont be a chick and just run away
whats the point in joining some dudes who might get some good results if i don't even like spending my time with them.... i mean aslong as noone pays me for this shit :D
btw: +1 night
That's what happened.
He even mentioned that Jere was planning on joining again.
So no backstabb there
Having said that, kicking someone from a clan for a better player, JUST for the sake of being better is a bit gay!
Well this has been common problem in ET. I think it that happens because most of us are spoiled kids from wealty families and since that they have no respect for things like "hard work". Or is it just because they wanna test everything because spoiling other fun is great according to new generation. Not only for ET players but I have seen this reaction in younger people in general(age between 14-17).
I played 3y for same clan without any big stops.
- 'wiadro is a better rifle than Jere so we kicked him'
- 'Jere lagging all the time = no team progress'
- some shit about same thing happening in the past (no valid reason tbh)
- 'The way we told him was wrong, BUT I dont think he would have liked it if we told
him directly! (what an argument)
- 'This will happen more often in the future of ET'
- Thats it
make paragraphs, writei with a capital I and people WILL read this.
blood in blood out
cant leave the team
Karnaj....well, if he really wanted to play with d. it's okay, but I'm pretty sure Ri gives lan support too...? What amuses me here is that d. is barely active team, while Ri is pretty active. karnaj is one of the most active "nerds"(:D!) in here and for me it would be pretty much logical to stick with Ri, since they are way more active, dont ya think mr.?I find it way more interesting than mercing every week, every night.
Slarto is tardish naablet (:D!) and it's a bit lame, but I also find it understandable. Who 'd play with a guy that doesnt speak at all (hi dlul!(:D!)) and overdrive(lol'd).
And yea, for me, loyalty is one of main factors to judge a player. There are numerous of them with who I'd never play.
in the end its a matter of personality if you rather get happy to play with good e-mates/friends and play for a long time together and have fun, or if its ur aim to become one of the best and want to play in the best teams, not caring about everything except the success and fame for yourself.
this deciosion have to be made by everybody him-/herself. i just find it pathetic and embarrasing if u dont have the courage to tell ur teammates about leaving them for a new or better(?) team.
Anyway a guy clanhopping / lying about playing with one or another team will get a bad reputation and thus will probably have more difficulties to find a decent team.
To me there has been only one case of "backstab" this year and everybody knows who it is :)