image: oldschool

Three years ago, I remember being on an ETTV server broadcasting NationsCup and I also remember what a viewer said :

QuoteI don't play ET but I like watching matches because it's spectacular

Here we are, 3 years later, with a new format (5vs5) and new rules : (no MG42, nor mortars...). We don't play with PunkBuster anymore pretending PB makes ET laggy. SLAC seems to be a nice alternative but an Anticheat made by cheaters for non- cheaters looks like a joke. About main leagues and tournaments, CB and ESL are like two little boys who want to show people they have the best toy... I am obviously speaking about the last NationsCup drama and last “dignitas vs Fantastic5” coverage... or “copy/paste”. Indeed, we can't see any differences between ESL and CB formats. In fact, there are many informations in those news but it's absolutely not enjoyable to read since the format itself isn't attractive and "deja vu".

I'm not done with all those things and here is the last one. I have nothing against new ideas but I wonder what's the impact to warmup during 15seconds instead of waiting for 10 seconds. This describes the new ET committee. Nowadays, ET looks like a dictatorship where “highskillers” and “cup administrators” make their own rules which influence the whole ET community. In my opinion, each single rule, idea must be submitted not to “highskillers” playing ET only for official matchs (as they “never” practice...). Each player should be allowed to give his opinion about new rules and the easiest way is to vote. “Highskillers” represent a small part of the community so, why do they decide for us?

image: systems
As you can see, they are doing wrong. We (ET community including top players) should make decisions and admins (CB & ESL) have to apply our rules.

ET is certainly not as spectacular as it used to be. Coverage is unsuccessful. Leagues and cup administrators make the rules for you without consulting you. Is this ET as you liked it?
ET is one of the oldest FPS and it deserves some new things but decisions can't be made by censoring petitions and polls (e.g. "back to 6vs6 e-petition" by a french guy). In my opinion, LANs are special and merit their own format and rules (as TosspoT did last CiC7) but online events regroup so many players with different opinions, ideas and rules. That's why there should be an “ET e- democracy”. I agree, it is difficult to make polls about each rule but the most important ones should be voted (as CB did about maps...) since I, and I guess "you" don't mind about a longer warmup time.

I would be thankful to you if you let me know what you think about that and even more if your team agrees to play one of the three show matches illustrating my mind.

My goal is to show you, decisions recently made by ET committee and globally by “dictators” are certainly discussable.
About show matches, I would need 4 teams to play 2 matches of 2 maps.

Maplist :
Oasis (old version)
Goldrush (old version)
Fueldump (old version)

Weapons :

Format :

I have no doubt about how enjoyable ET will be for viewers. From those matches, we'll be able to make good decisions TOGETHER and each member from ET committee is obviously invited to give his vote... If we're not censored one more time. But we won't because 12 players can't stop the whole ET community.

I hope I haven't been rude and you enjoyed reading.

(Thanks to Vincent for the banner)