This might be a rather narrow subject for a column, but as it concerns me a bit I wished to write about it. Not a journal, of course, as long texts in journals tend to be wasted in this community, as I've learnt the harsh way. Pardon the possible typos, my keyboard is getting worn out.

I wish to write about the covert ops. "The fifth class", the least played one, especially in matches. One with no direct support to the team (other than fragging, of course). The master of stealth and deception, holding rather underpowered weapons compared to the others.

The covert ops doesn't have the healing abilities of the medic or the objective-wise credit to team the engineer has. He lacks the spamming and raping abilities of the field ops and the soldier, which oftentimes induce ludicrous amounts of rage in many, and for a reason. Of course he serves an unique purpose in this game, like all classes do, but most heavily underestimate them. The covert can blow up enemy command posts and certain constructions, crippling your enemy or making them spawn further away, or gaining access to your team. He can throw smokescreens, obscuring visibility and allowing your teammates to pass through heavy crossfire. He can spot mines with his binoculars, reducing the amount of blowing up in critical spots, and last but not least he can steal enemy uniforms allowing his teammates and himself to pass through locked doors, possibly gaining an early victory.

Covert is a challenging class to play. When you get shot, you cannot simply run behind a corner and heal up. You don't have a rifle that you can ricochet grenades behind corners with. You can't call rains of death upon your enemies like the field ops can, or carry heavy weaponry with you to rape your foes to their spawns. Your weapons lack 'the edge' in most direct 1o1 dogfight situations, and work best when you get the first shot or are behind or far away of your enemies - hence the name of the class, "covert ops". This is perhaps why many people despise the class, as it requires one to adapt a different playstyle than with a medic or an engineer.

Yet the covert has unique abilities underestimated by many, which can, when used correctly, hinder your enemies greatly. Sneaking up behind and blowing up the command post in Adlernest forces your enemies to spawn in their initial location, allowing your team to emphasize their defences to a simpler position where crossfiring is easier and the enemy can only pour in from one entrance at a time. Destroying the depot fence in Supply gains you another entry point upstairs, which can sometimes break even the strongest of staircase defences. Throwing a smoke screen at the main entrance of the Goldrush tank depot could let your teammates gain easy access to the "corner", allowing them to break defences at the side entrance, letting your teammates to come in from there. In skilled hands the class may prove valuable to the team, of course implying that the rest of the team knows what to do.

The weaponry of the class is, as I already mentioned, rather underpowered compared to the other classes' weaponry. The basic SMG in the game is a simple point-click-hold cursor over enemy -weapon, which nonetheless is deadly in skilled hands and is often considered the best weapon in the game. The covert ops is the only class that does not have it. All the weapons of the class are unique and no other class has them. The sten, in steady hands, is deadly from behind or on medium to long range. Its near-zero spread causes swift headshots for the skilled (or the cheaters), and those who have not the skill struggle to be efficient with it due to the overheating problems caused by the silencer. In average one-on-one dogfights it is extremely tricky to win with this weapon, as compared to the SMG the rate-of-fire and damage are very similiar (or the exact same?), and the only upper hand the sten has is the little spread, which doesn't matter on close range. On the other hand the setback of the gun, the overheating, is a huge negative factor in close encounters and often is the reason of death unless you manage to hit multiple headshots or >70% accuracy bodyshots.

The FG42 paratrooper rifle is widely considered a "noob gun" due to it's extreme rate of fire and deadliness in close-quarters encounters. It is not as efficient on long range due to the high rate of fire and relatively large spread. The scope of the weapon is not very good, as it does not increase damage like the sniper rifle's scope does, and it decreases the rate of fire quite a bit, usually giving more than enough time for your enemy to hide or shoot back. Yet the gun is extremely efficient on close range, and implying that the wielder of it is not extremely bad, they are almost certain to roll most medics in one-versus-one dogfights on close range. However, the weapon loses most of its efficiency on longer ranges, mainly due to the small clip and the large rate of fire (and hence spread), making it easy to be dealt with in such situations.

The sniper rifle is much dreaded by many. It is also quite underpowered: compared to the one-shot-kill sniper rifles most first person shooters have (e.g. CoD4, CS:S) it requires three scoped body shots or one headshot and one bodyshot to kill most enemy classes. Indeed the gun does different damage scoped than nonscoped, which might not make much sense to some, but it is an important game-mechanical factor. Nonscoped it does the same ~30 damage per shot as the engineer's rifle does, making it decent in close-quarter fights but still not quite matching the firepower of a skilled medic.
The main quirk of this weapon, however, is the scope. With quite a bit of practise and higher sensitivity it is possible to utilise it to some extent in close-quarters too, allowing for lightning-fast kills in certain situations where you either have the first shot or the enemy misses you (or you're a bit lucky). The thing that makes it difficult to use in medium- and short-range fights is the damage feedback: the damage kick with the scope on is huge, usually causing you to miss altogether and making it nearly impossible to hit (of course, luck plays in here, too). In addition to that, the scope goes off when you're hit too much, often causing inevitable death unless you can get in cover swiftly.

The most controversial thing with this class is of course the sniper. Skilled hands may pull of incredible frags with it, some of which might seem impossible to many. The large recoil of the gun can be hindered with high sensitivity, allowing for slightly faster recovery from a shot, but to truly be efficient with the gun in close quarters mere settings are not enough. Most of you probably don't believe it (and I've heard a thousand times that anyone can own with it by raising their sensitivity by one), but it's true: it takes a lot of practise. Of course you'll also need some settings, such as a toggler for m_pitch and sensitivity, but you will still need practise, and a lot of it. With practise the sniper can be utilised very efficiently in certain situations, but it can still be easily taken care of with a riflegrenade or by flanking. It is by no means overpowered or unfair as some would think - it excels in its own field and has its weaknesses, just like every other class in this game.

I would also like to talk about these fabled "sniper scripts". To make it short, they do not work. They did work in 2.55 etmain, they do still work on servers without proper configs (ones that force pitchspeed to 0, but just about every single public does this and so do all Clanbase configs), and they do work on Jaymod.
For a longer explanation, it's simple, really.
Quoteset recoilon "+attack; wait 12; -attack; +lookdown; wait 7; -lookdown"
set recoilon1 "+attack; wait 12; -attack; +lookdown; wait 4; -lookdown"
set recoiloff "bind mouse1 +attack"

set 1 "cl_pitchspeed 140; com_maxfps 43; bind mouse1 vstr recoilon; echo ^1S^7niper ^1M^7ode ^4On; vstr 3"
set 11 "bind mouse1 vstr recoilon1; echo ^7Sniper recoil reduced, for when you get level 3 Co-ops; vstr 4"
set 2 "com_maxfps 125; vstr recoiloff; vstr 5; echo ^1S^7niper ^1M^7ode ^4Off"
set 3 "bind z vstr 11"
set 4 "bind x vstr 2"
set 5 "bind c vstr 1"

bind z "vstr 1"
is a sniper script. Try it out if you want to - it does not work. command "sv_cvar cl_pitchspeed EQ 0" is the reason it does not work. cl_pitchspeed is the cvar that controls how "fast" +lookdown looks up and down. +lookdown is the command for aiming with keys, and nobody uses that. When cl_pitchspeed is 0, +lookdown does absolutely nothing - and +lookdown is the command that sniper scripts relied on: recoil goes up, +lookdown goes down, combine both and nothing happens.

As for last thoughts, one of the main "selling points" of Enemy Territory is the class-based gameplay. There are five classes in this game, each excelling in their own unique field, and the covert ops is just one of them. The class can be played efficiently, but it requires a different gamestyle than with a medic, for example. Recently there have been a few changes made to the game (via configs) that seem to be the beginning of driving the game into borefest with only one class which is the medic: taking one rifle grenade away from the engineer and limiting snipers per team to one, for example. I truly wish that this will not happen, and I do want to express my dislike towards the people who decided for these changes, especially Krosan and his "ET-committee". Diversity is what makes this game interesting, and taking it away would be stupid.

There we go, I've written a freaking long text about this subject and I am not going to divide it into separate pages. Hope the paragraphs are clear enough.