Since the beginning of time communities have been plagued by the difficulty of deciding for their own future. Usually the generally best option prevails over the inferior ones, but exceptions happen, and are in fact alarmingly common. Crossfire, or the ET-scene in general, is no different. All the recent talk about LANs, leagues, ladders and admins having killed the game by their poor decisions has made me wonder: does this community have balls after all? Could the average middle-European player be roused, and could the community perhaps yet save their favourite online game's future?

Yes, I know what you think: I'm overreacting. Perhaps some will even say, "It's just a game, chill the fuck out!". Well, while it might be "just a game", it's still one of the few games I have enjoyed playing for such a long time. Evidently this goes for many other members of this community, too - an old game like this, even though being free, hardly entices new players, especially your casual Call of Duty-Carls or battlefield-Bobs. There are no iron sights, no unlockables, no instant kill snipers. Everyone keeps jumping around and moving generally faster than them, and they swiftly ragequit, infinitely despising the name of Enemy Territory. Many of my friends don't like this game because it's "unrealistic". Ergo, this game is slowly dying. It happens to every online videogame, and is inevitable - but not undelayable.

You have all perhaps noticed how we are basically being told that the only way to save ET from its inevitable death is organizing more and more LANs, and through them gaining attention to this old warhorse. This argument has been used by the current administrative organ of ET (i.e. admins of Crossfire and the major leagues) to such extent that it has actually become tiresome, and every time I post something relatively lengthy or critical about what the admins are doing, I get told by Krosan how it is actually very important and I could not possibly understand the reasons of their recent many changes, for I am not an admin. To my understanding similiar thoughts are found all around the world in poor leaders, in modern politicians and tyrants - the puny peasants are too stupid to decide for themselves, and hence they shouldn't. Naturally that only means that power has gone to their head and they might not even see it themselves.

I think, however, that this game could still be saved. It has been gruesomely marred recently, but it is still not beyond mending. I am not talking about the mere 6o6 -> 5o5 change, but also other changes in rules, configs and such. Being an ecstatic covert ops player I am most annoyed by the recent limitation of snipers per team to one. The "ET-committee" composed of top-tier langoers originally decided for this change because two snipers could break otherwise carefully designed defences in sp_delivery_te, and Clanbase adapted it to their configs tongues brown. Ironically Clanbase also removed the map this change was exclusively adapted for from their mappool at the same time. Laughably enough they also broke the forcetapout command by making it unusable when your body is destroyed by an explosion, because it could cause a bug about two people knew about (I admit, I told about it to Clanbase admins, as I saw it being abused in a match. A folly, of course, but everyone makes mistakes, don't they?). So next time you get a full spawn from a nade because of not being able to tapout soon enough (there's a ~1s delay), you know who to blame.

In the end I think there is only one way we could attempt to revive this dying game. As it seems that all the "ruling power" ET-scene cares about is themselves (Do we see TosspoT around except during LANs when he can exit his closet and go reap the fame and possible monies from these gaming events, for example?). We need to shift the power and have new leagues with new cups and ladders that have rules and configs that suit the game, instead of only suiting LANs. I expect I'm going to see one certain LAN organizing admin here telling me how any league that doesn't suck his cock is going to fail as soon as he announces yet another of their magnificent events. Again, I think it's only silly and useless loathing of anything that doesn't match their interests, whatever they are. Stupid pessimism never leads anywhere, this community is a great example of it.

For final words, I'm not saying there's some great conspiracy that only aims to make this game a boring campfest, add two objectives to each map, a bomb to the other team and disable spawning. I'm saying that the people who are deciding for most of the rules and gameplay changes at the moment are simply bad at it. This is not an insult, but a criticism everyone in an influential position will have to endure. The situation of the game at the moment seems like a series of unfortunate events, nothing more. It could have been avoided if these decisions had been thought over, instead of changing the whole gameplay just because you're lazy and organizing events with hundreds of people in them is a lot of work (No shit Sherlock). The 5o5 change, of which Baggiez wrote a lengthy journal about, is only about the LAN organizers being lazy fucks and trying to take the easy way out.

Again, before any of them comes having lengthy discussions with me on IRC about this, this is not an insult, but criticism everyone in an influential position will have to endure. You could have done better if you would really have wanted to. I am hundred percent certain that it was not impossible to have 6o6 LANs, but it was just too much of a work for them to bother. And that is bad.

Bottom line: If you want something changed, don't just whine, but do something!