Here I’d like to tell you what I think about the reasons why our beloved ET game is dying.
One more column about that? Yes, it is true, but not entirely. Some may say 5o5 killed ET. Some may tell me: stop talking and act. Some may say again: we already know why ET is dying.
However, there is a point that has been –voluntarily or not, this is not the question- eluded. You can disagree with me but a column entitles anyone, as far as I know, to express his own opinion.

ET is dying/ET will die one day or another , and thus because people from this very Crossfire community, in its enormous majority, do not seem to want ET to continue living, or do not even care about.
I am what you usually call a newschooler (member for a year and a bit) but from the very beginning I’ve started browsing this site on a regular basis, I’ve realized the situation had reached deadblock. A very few people here is willing to help new people (new ETPlayers or guys willing to discover competitive level or simply the ETPro mod and who therefore register here in order to be in touch with this small world of our) so they will ensure the survival of our game.

Q: What happens most of the time?

The potentially new players representing the future, these who will take over this game find absolutely nothing here (we'll put aside the two or three useful comments one can unearth in some journals) –no help, no advice, no guidance- but disdain, hate, flame, troll (I do not care what the precise definition of trolling is, you all see what I mean), and even in some cases voluntarily wrong-sided help. Let’s come up with the usual basic comments : “FORMAT C” ; “vid_restart bug” ; ”/quit” ; “reinstall ET”. Such overused expressions are blatantly not funny at all
Let’s take a simple and recent example : This Netherlands guy, named gAzerX, member for a few days only, who is one of the potentially new players we DESPERATELY NEED if we want to keep this game alive, made a journal about the way to obtain some good cfgs. Almost no answers at all (pretty common after all) came from us -the crossfire members. He then made a specific comment in this same journal, which was written in a very poor English –granted- and instead of helping him, of correcting him, of telling him things that would have conforted him in his choice of registering on, 42 people so far flamed him like I had never seen before. Another journal was even made about it :

Now, look at yourself in the mirror and think: What was the need of such an idiotic behavior? What could it bring to me? Fun? Okay, but should not I think about the consequences my harsh and mocking comments could have over that new user before you unleash all that flame just because unlike you, he is not registered here for x years?
Your weak answer would be: Come on, every community has its "retards"; we need some people to entertain us (posting random gifs, random memes, random journals). I’ve been said that retards in the COD community are plethora (like in every game, deal). All right. But there is a slight difference that you don’t seem to notice between the COD community and ours : they aren’t part of a dying game that desperately relies on a couple of thousands players’ basis. They don’t care to act like idiots, uneducated kids, e-thugs, almighty-because-I-have-many-e-friends. They will still have players. We should care about what we write down there because every stupid action we take over new players, fresh meat has direct consequences on the future of this game. Welcome every new player instead of considering him as a dreg of society, an ignorant newschooler (such contempt hiding behind this word)!
Do you people want to provide a death as long and yet as smooth as possible to our beloved ET or do you prefer throwing meat at everyone just 4 da lulz, and carpe diem, if ET has to die, it will, period?

This column does not aim to make you people changing your behavior-human mankind is what it is, you tell me…- but it simply points out the real gap between what you say you want for ET (reviving the game,attracting new players, changing this and that, VIVA LA REVOLUCION) and the way you act every day on this community website. Think about it. Quick!

~Do something for your fellow man, not for the gold, but for the love of Man, and you shall truly have the gold.