Everybody is whining that nobody is doing something for ET. Well, how about this idea where all of the community can support ET...

The main idea is every individual should give a small amount of money to some trustful person (such as Merlinator or Seanza). We are a small community but still together we could manage to bring ET where it was, in the earlier years when ET was in its prime.

For example, if every player could invest only 10 euros we could manage to get around 4000€.

How do I get to this point ?

Every season, there is EC including 16 Teams*5players = 80players
There is also always OC with like 5 div*16 Teams*5players = 400 players

This would be even more than we need. This money could cover EC/OC1st-3rd div.

How would your money/investment be useful ?

Well the answer is easy. I would like to give the 5th and 6th spot in every division some money e.g 6th spot gets 50€/ 5th spot gets 90€... etc, so if your team isn't that skilled, you can still manage to get 6th spot or even higher in your div, EC or OC.

During the whole tournament and at least 1 month before it begins, every team which wants to play in it needs to be active in Clanbase (e.g. 10 officials every month before and during the tournament), if not then the team gets dropped out and you got an even higher chance to get a great spot.

Once this tournament commences, there will not be any inactive teams since every team wants to get at least 6th in their division, which in my opinion, is possible for everybody.

How will the money be divided ?

Of course the money wont be equal in the division since you don't want higher players to start playing oc 2nd because they're going to win it 100%




I dont really think there is such a big skill difference between 3rd, 4th or 5th division, so I would like to put them all together so everybody could have fun in this tournament.

What happens next ?

In the next few days, some Crossfire admins will make a Poll to see if people would like to do this and are willing to spend 10 €. If we get more than 350 yes, then we could really start thinking about this idea in more detail.

What about the format ?

And of course, we could change the format to back to 6on6, since this is our tournament and we all would like to enjoy the good old days. Also, many players have expressed on crossfire (for example, Kamz column) that they would like to see 6on6 back.

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