Clanbase closed the signups for the upcoming fall season last Sunday and with 112 teams expected to participate the future looks bright - at least on paper! The amount of teams is quite average so nothing to whine about but for me as old stager something other is missing.

By browsing thorugh the team list one can see teams like TAG, Speedlink, Queens, Cortana, bF, MouseControl, tMoe or tA and some fake (?) teams like ofcofcofc and 3er who marked an "only" for the EuroCup field but big clan names are missing.

Some years ago we had great EuroCup seasons with 141, Helix, Dignitas, zP!, uQ, and so on thus it is a bit unfortunate to just see three real organisations represented on the first view. But I know that one can`t judge the skilllevel just by comparing nowadays teamnames with the well known organisations from the past and additionally I am aware of the fact that most of the current Dignitas or Anexis players will compete wit TAG or Queens so we still have a lot of top notch players participating.

And there is another great chance to see some new names playing on the possible highest competition level this fall which later have to proof their skill on a "to be announced" lan event like mAus had to do on his first lan tournament after his great online performance. So we all (and mainly myself) have to accept that we can`t turn the clock back and that it is not possible to have an EuroCup with reload`s, mAus`s and some other clones only!

Barney Stinson once said " New is always better" - let us hope for an awesome fall season with as much as possible entertaining games and exciting moments on our old maps performed by known as well as not (yet) known players!