I sit here bored on a Friday night, after browsing the usual gaming sites reading columns and articles a plan (a very bored and spontaneous one) to write about ET and it's current state hits me. Im tempted to just let it pass by, hell we have seen another ET is dead, ET and it's future columns before right? Right. However, as I am writing this it is the first time that i have concluded that ET is really in a dire state and needs a lift. If it wasn't for it being such a lull period of inactivity, i probably wouldnt be writing this nonsense instead i would be nerding in a mix or just chilling in teamspeak.

2011. A successful year for Enemy Territory? Yes and No. Online competitions have hit their lowest, a time where we have gaming leagues such as clanbase enrolling admins that frankly either dont have the time for ET or do not care. My opinion of admins has always been that of a grateful kind, if it wasnt for them we wouldnt have these leagues or tournaments. However, i cannot be sympathetic to a league where the coverage has been produced by the crossfire community rather than the league admins themself. We also have the fact that the last EC final was not even played. There was some mix match for fun at lan between Queens and ECW/Winfakt but frankly whether it be the fault of the player(s) or the teams, the league should be pushing for this final to be played. The community deserve to see these types of games (ironic coming from me and the BFB situation). The future of CB and ET looks bleak, frankly the competitive community only play Eurocup because at times it can be the only competition on offer. It has lost it's place in competitive ET, the history and fame it brought dwindles in the past. This season we have a team in the final that is a mix (Queens) and another team that had potential to challenge Anexis who have confirmed that they are reshuffling their lineup after this very game. Go back 2 seasons ago and we had teams like Anexis and Dignitas in the final, we have come a long and disappointing way since then.

On the brighter side we have had the inclusion of various other online tournaments and cups. Dignitas cup for example was a great success and all credit to them for providing prizes and delivering on their promise very swiftly. Other tournaments have been introduced which were great for the community, Jeesports and Excello to name a few. Yet at a time when the game is crying for competition and activity, we have players and teams that are too lazy to register on a website. The game will never progress with an attitude from a community like this. If reports are true, Excello will not be hosting any more tournaments for ET, which in all honesty is a great loss. At times i wish the community would stand up and realise when it is given an opportunity, rather than let it pass by and push the game into further decline.

Offline and 2011. A rather dull year yet again, especially if it wasnt for United KingdomSeanza. SAGE and E-Series were both amazing events, events which i would love to see in the future. Unfortunately United KingdomSeanza has a great love and interest in the cod4 community and i feel it will be a while till we see him dabble (if at all) in the ET scene. The lack of a crossfire tournament this year has been disappointing and one can only hope that it is on the cards for 2012 - which by that time, could result in the lowest participation since the tournament began in the distant glorious past.

The format. Now i could write for days on this subject as many people will know, i have had countless debates and arguments on this subject. I love 6on6, it has a great feel to it, back to ET and its glory days surely? Possibly, if we still had the numbers and activity we had just under 2 years ago. I was always against the format, even though i enjoyed it a hell of a lot more than 5on5. But i was always a realist. I have had countless arguments with fools that believed 6on6 would bring the game back to where it was and possibly even progress. Where are we now? A time where it takes 30 minutes to get a decent game if one at all. People were blinded by these selfish players that stated they would love to play ET again, if only the format would change to 6on6. They believed that the game would benefit, when truth be told these players were has-beens that couldnt make it in the 5on5 format. They dabbled and dipped their feet into the 6on6 format, but most realised it wasnt the format that had caused them to decline in activity and skill, it was just the fact that the community had advanced, the natural skill and aim of players had increased and these legends of the game couldnt compete no more. This statement will more than definite result in abuse hailed towards me, but i dont care. In fact in my eyes, these deceitful selfish brainless has-beens have resulted in what can only be described as ET's decline. You can say what you want about enjoying the game and ppl will use the lan card against me, but if you have no teams or activity you have no online games let a lone offline tournaments. It was a stupid decision and one which i wish had never happened.

The players. Unfortunately we have hit a period where not only activity is low, but progression is slow. If you rewind back the last few years you always had players rising through the ranks, myself included. Players like Jinosta, Phyzic, Chry, Kresti, Blad3, FLoPJEHZ, Jay/Hayaa, Jere i can list more. These players were all involved in teams finishing anywhere between 3rd in EC and OC premier. These players take up a vast chunk of the current "top teams" and we still have the talented players that have remained there. Looking at g2p and Queens as examples, you have a fresh blend of old but still talented players and the "youth" and newblood of players thriving to reach that number 1 spot. Fast forward to today's scenario and without causing any offence or flame, we have teams and players that have been around but havent really progressed. I mean, you cant really look at any team outside of the top 3 that could have the potential to be number 1 in the future. There is a huge void in the upcoming talent section and i feel it is a void that will never be filled. As stated above, i think most would agree that the average skill of an individual (mostly in terms of aim) has increased continuously, yet teams and players are at a stand still.

What is in store for ET and it's future. Well with the possible apocalypse which is the end of world in 2012, who cares. BFB was a great introduction into the community, even if that very community was robbed of a final, it provided great coverage and some exciting matches. Something that should be taken forward into the new year and raise the bar of competitions and coverage. However, i do feel that the lack of any exciting announcements, other than CF4 and Community Awards are on there way could result in even more players leaving the game entirely. There is nothing better than the present and right now the competitive scene has a shit EC final and nothing thereafter. I have never been so negative about ET and it's future, but it is time to face the facts. Unless something drastic happens, the game is in the state of RTCW where the odd one day cup will be announced and you will get a few good teams playing, but other than that nothing. Even myself and most of the Anexis team have been actively playing COD4 actively this week, i mean 3-4 days this week we played in an effort to become as skilled in another active game.

So the future of ET? Frankly i bet most of you dont even care, so much so that it has even infected me. So much so that i write this column not giving a shit as to who and what it offends, but just being brutally honest even if most of it is my own opinion. 2012 the year that FPS gaming reaches it's newest low?

As usual i start of with a plan, a theme i want to discuss in a column. As usual though i wonder off down an alley of wilderness, writing any dribble that comes to my mind. Hell I wasnt even writing this to get a response, more to get my feelings out about a game which i have invested a lot of time and effort into.

You can find some of my other feelings in an interview over at http://www.anexis.de/articles/view/r0ss-interview

I do warn you though, that some of the questions i.e. Battle for Britain are wrong, but you get the point.