Since I had some free time I decided to interview the most unknown known in ET Netherlands twinzz.

image: rick

Hi twinzz, your quite new to the ET scene so tell us something about yourself.
I am Rick "twinzz" *****, I'm 17 years old playing ET for like 1½ years now. And u are the one who brought me to this game. Before this I played Call Of Duty on HIGH level.

What do you do apart from gaming?
Uhm motocross and hanging around with friends, also I am still @ skool second year of medicines.

Your now doing management for overdose, but you also tried to rebuild pstarZ. How did you get into the management?
Well after talking with Aragorn from pstarZ I told him that I could get pstarZ more active then it was before. They where only playing CS:S and Tactical ops. I rebuilded pstarZ so many times but without any great success since there where so many cheaters and stuff.
I think the best squad where the ones with isen, X, olbaa and stuff. And offcourse the last one with Interface, tornis, animimal and phate.. After a time I decided to quit with it since the lack of time. Was managing pstarZ in my own most of the time. Then I decided to talk with Trevize since he needed a manager for his clan, he seemed a nice guy and I joined him. He is always friendly and is helping me a lot to.

Your also playing for overdose as back-up, isn’t it hard to find some free time? Or are you like “ wtf I have no life, I don’t care”
Hmmz I'm playing for overdose at the moment as backup but I don’t need to play so many times since they are almost every time with full line-up. And if they are missing there 6th they will ask an polish backup because of the communication besides that its fine, they told me when I joined that it was going like this.

This Sunday overdose has to play against cZar, what do you think about this match. Overdose has to win to stay in EC does this affect your team play or is overdose going to bash those crazy Belgians?
I don’t know we can surely beat them on aim, but I don’t know on teamplay since they played so long together. I think 2-4 for overdose.

There are also people who accuse you of hacking, what do you think about it? Do you care or are you just having a laugh?
Just having laughs, they are screaming hacker even when u see them around a corner because u can see there rifle. But its not there fault it’s the fault of the cheaters who screwed this game so much. If you play an 3on3/6on6 you will always think there is an cheater. Makes the game crappy to play

So now a few fast questions.

Who is currently your favorite ET player & why?
Ferus – just an nice player with strong teamplay and a wicked aim

What would be your ET dream team?
teKoa, Butchji, Maus, Ferus, Xylos, and M1lk

ET:QW = shit?

Loekino or K1||erb0y or whatever his nick is?
Killerboy offcourse, he is the master of spamms

Favourite TV show?
South Park + 2 and a half man

Favourite console game?
Halo 1/2/3

Favourite food & drink?

Your best moment in ET?
Hmmz make it my funniest moment -> this was when I was awake for 35 hours on a lan and Perfo modus overboost saken came online at 6 in the morning when we where going to play mixed. Never had so much fun

I remember that, was pretty fun idd, we owned some random low- team

Finally, where did you come up with the name 'twinzz'?
I was born as twins – But I am lonely now since my brother didn’t make it. Also twinzz is the name of an tuning-company

Thanks for your time, any shoutouts?
Shoutouts to: Azzor, Kenta, Duke, Triflip, Trevize, Lio, Mize, Ovie, overschie, insecure, anaconda, tetsuo h3ll, axel, modus, isen, viax, foonr, koral, ibezet, hope, zMk, fierro, edain, snake Overdose gaming and Fayntic + all the others who I know and who I meet regulary

ps. I didn't check this i-view on Netherlands twinzz his shiity engrish skills because I'm too lazy for that.