The overload ET side were busted on Friday for using hacks. The side came 3rd at CDC4 and have been an ever present force at the Crossfire events, I caught up with vila to find out why overload gambled their ET futures away.

Straight to the point, Having played for so long and worked your way up the ranks, why do this?

Our gaming "career" was coming to an end partly because of Kevin moving to Gent to study, we were getting sick by some obvious players in this game that could hack without any consequences, we never intended to use it to "win" important matches, no one of us ever hacked before, let that be clear. It was this 2 weeks, no more , no less

The point was to prove that FF were hacking?

There's never a point in cheating... , while using this tool ,which we received from our "Manager" , we could clearly see some opponents using similar programs. Obviously we couldn't accuse them at the period because we were using it ourself and it would be kinda lame to accuse them now since no one will believe us anymore

What was noticable about the opponents you thought were hacking?

Some players positioned themself so that they were always in advantage, you could see them adjusting their positions (without them being able to see you) whilst you moved through the map, a certain rifle in particular could adjust himself so that he could shoot a rifle towards you (even if we were walking and testing to see if he could spot us). Also some players held their positions way too long, for example , we're doing a main rush with 5 guys, and 1 guy sneaked to west, that guy on west wouldn't turn to main to aim at the 5 others but kept on "leaning" and camping at the west wall without any reason (our guy was sneaking).

Do you think that your teams 'outspoken' nature made the communities reaction any different to you?

We were always kinda hated, sometimes the hate was understandable (we weren't always as nice,but it's just fun on vent), but other times the hate was just annoying, people kept on flaming just because you wear the name and i think that i speak for the whole team if i say that we ALWAYS defend ourself and can't stand to lose a discussion. I can understand them if they call us the 'belgian' retards because of the hacking now, but i saw some people placing some comments about us losing our NC medal because we hacked, this is just bullshit :) , as i said, it was 2 "weeks", no more.

What if this happened to Winghaven or Night? Lets say that had similar motives, do you think the community would accept that from them?

Hm , a hard one, i think they might react in a different way because they have some e-fame which makes certain people look up to them. I can't realy answer to this as i can't see any of those players hacking, it's unthinkable that they would hack, but it could happen, you can use this tool without anyone noticing it, players with a decent gamesense know when they can do something and when not. It's not easy to track down a hacker with gamesense.

Does the fact that you got caught make you think that the 'system' works?

No, i don't think we got caught the way that you'r supposed to get caught, demo's, actions , pbss(overrated though) , anti3 (which failed because one of us turned the anti3 & the hack on during our pracc before FF and in the warmup vs mamut), didn't play with it during the official though. So i don't think that the anti3 program is very reliable. I do think Killerboy is doing a good job, he puts a lot of effort in making this community cheat free

What now for you guys?

We will remain friends , we just played this game because it connected us even more. We meet 2-3 times every month , we go out or play poker, we have a normal friend relationship, not a gaming one. That's what made our team special. I think our team would still like to play at cc but that's not gonna happen anymore, maybe some of us will play some other games but i don't think we'll continue together in a different game

do you have any statements or fond farewells you want to give?

I'd like to thank anyone that made this game so special for me, you may think i hate you all but there's a thin line between love and hate, I had respect for certain people running this community, people put so much effort in it just because they love it and don't want to see it die, it's very rare to find something like this. I'll miss the tension but it's time for other stuff now, it might not be the best ending but it's an ending that fits our team perfectly, drama and controversy - cu in a next life !

*Update* Having pieced together the timeline of events, Vila wanted to add the following statement.

We received an injector from xajp , you could use a no knockbackscript and an etbot (which worked as a wallhack) with that, it was coded so that you didn't need to auth, we received it before the FF game, some of us played a pracc with it, and some 3v3's but after the game vs FF (which we played clean) i went speccing some of them and it was obvious they were using extern programs so i personally sent the hacks to killerboy 2 weeks ago, and now it seems that he decoded the hack but he caught our ip's with the bot. I was assured that we wouldn't get banned for it but now it seems we did which I find pretty weird.