A quick chat with Belgian superstar BelgiummAus. I'm sure everyone knows who he is, if you don't where have you been?!

Hello BelgiummAus. Could you introduce yourself?

I'm David "mAus" Herreman, I'm 18 years old, i'm playing et for like 4 years and in my free time i like to go gym, play some soccer and the usual 18 years old boy stuff.

How long have you been playing online games?

I've been playing pc games for 4 years, the first game i played was Enemy Territory. To be honest, I hardly play any other games next to ET :p

Why did you choose the nick mAus?

Why the nick mAus, well i was playing on a random public and some guy 'Witze' asked if i would join his clan StaZi, but the problem was i needed a german nick. So i joined the clan and took mAus! Its kinda funny because i never played that much with StaZi, just a couple of games.

What is the story behind Germanybutchji stealing your config?

It's the first time i hear about that haha. Well i remember he was sucking hard at cdc and raged to the toilet ! Maybe he wanted to shoot more than 30% acc?

Looking back on your ET carreer, what are your greatest moments and matches?

The best moment for me was CPC2. It was my first LAN and at some point there must have been about 50 people standing behind my back but I stayed cool and kept rocking! My greatest match, must have been the final when I played with EDiT.

Who is your favourite ET player?

Well I don't really have a favourite ET player, everybody has something special that a team needs. But I always loved playing with SpainWinghaven, he is one of my favourite players!

Have you ever tried a bot back in your noob days?

I used a bot 3 years ago for like a couple of hours, and I was thinking what is the funny part about cheating? Nothing. Imo 99% of the crossfire community used a bot once.

Have you tried Wolfenstein?

Well I played it like 1 hour and it sucked hard. It's a shame they called it Wolfenstein.

Ofcourse talent is important but do you have any tips for all your fans out there?

Nothing special, just get some decent gamegear and config, keep playing and u will improve, atleast i did.

What made you start playing ET?

Well I was studying at my brother's place and he was playing Enemy Territory. I was like woooh i need to play it!

Can I have your config?

Interviewed by: Belgiumoverdrive
Original at taggers.eu