After qualifying for CB Eurocup XX with United KingdomSublime, I caught up with Uk's own cruncher, United Kingdomcrumbs!

image: hol

Yo crumbs, can you please introduce yourself!

Hi, My name is Richard "crumbs" Wright. I hail from Enfield, North London, England. I'm 21 and I've recently finished uni and now a full time bum in the evenings and looking for work in the day!

Can you please describe your journey into gaming and how you came across Enemy Territory?

Well I started playing RTCW a year or so after it came out, and stayed as a bit of a pub hero for a couple of years before moving to the latest patch and joining some OSP teams.

After winning the RTCW CB Nations Cup with a few players from a clan called scelesto, we decided to give ET a go, and played the ET-Nation UK cup together in 2005, getting to the final before folding as some of the players dropped out of the team due to some real life problems.

I then moved back to RTCW to play with one.soldier, which I did for the last 4 years, with one year of full activity.
The next summer (2006), after failing miserably in Warsow with United Kingdomdusty and the best Warsow player ever United Kingdomkye, we played ET for the rest of the summer. The three of us teamed up with
SwedenOzzy, Norwayzerom, Finlandjauhis, FinlandTiigeri, United KingdomMztik, EstoniaRELOAd & NetherlandsLeonneke to form the Super Adventure Club (see South Park). We won ET-cup 14 then retired as champions of ET.

I moved back to RTCW for another stint, before starting uni. During University especially in the first year my gaming was down to a minimum. But due to the crossfire LAN events I stayed hooked with the prospect of playing RTCW at CPC2, with one practice under my belt we headed to Enschede and won the RTCW tournament!

image: cpc2

The future Crossfire events are what brought me back to ET, firstly playing with =118=, a mix of my RTCW team and UK #1 FOPS United KingdomBaggiez, and last minute standing NetherlandsLeonneke. We didn't place too well, but I still wanted MOAR.

I came back for CDC4 with unKind, I tried to prac as much as possible, without being unsocial at uni, and therefore probably hindered our performance a bit. However it was great fun at the LAN with the likes of
United KingdomeVo, United Kingdomw3st United KingdomR0SS, United Kingdomsqzz, and Walestyyrd.

I missed CC5 due to university commitments, but was motivated to play again to get to the next event, where I played with Belgiumoceans6. (BelgiumrasloV, BelgiumKarre, BelgiumGrimm, BelgiumdAv1d & Walestyyrd).
We did quite well in my opinion, considering the amount of preparation we did.

Since graduating this year, I've got the time again to play actively and therefore joined United KingdomSublime, where I'm hoping we can put in a good performance at the current Eurocup.

Since the release of Wolfenstein, many people have branded it "Failstein". What are your views on Wolfenstein and do you still play it?

Well I was annoyed with all the flaming people were giving it pre-release and even during the leaked beta. As I thought all was not lost if its only a beta. Then I found out that the main game was the same as the beta, I still bought it as I thought it would be a nice change. However, I soon realised public was terrible, and scrims were only good if your opponent were terrible.
As soon as you came up against some ETQW players or anyone who could aim, the terrible movement animations and hitreg was so clear and just made it unplayable.
If by magic there is a MEGA patch released I may give it another look, but atm I think nothing will save it.

Crossfire Challenge 7 is approaching in March 2010, will you be attending? If so, with what team and players?

Good question, well I would like too, but atm I have no team because I've been focusing with Sublime trying to get into EC. I've also said in the past I would only go again if I could get a good enough team to get to the playoffs, but then last time I went with a muppet like BelgiumrasloV :D.
The second big issue is money. At uni I didnt mind using my overdraft and loan to fund my trip, but I really need to get a job to have the money for the next one.
Thirdly, I'm still getting the piss taken out of me for missing my flight on the way home from CDC4, by my irl friends. But this has distracted them from the fact I play games at 21.

Time for the quickies!

Favourite ET player?
United Kingdomsqzz

Favourite RTCW player?
United Kingdomchrns

Favourite team ET
Currently: EuropezZz
Past: Finlandparodia

Favourite ET moment
Sublime winning EC

Beer or Wine?

State your final words!
Thanks for the Interview United KingdomHydr0!
United KingdomrAzbo

crumbs ET Movie & crumbs RTCW Movie

PM crumbs @quakenet to test Capture version 2.0!
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