Ladies and Gentlemen, its the moment you have all (or maybe not) been waiting for...

Tonight I have the pleasure of interviewing a player surrounded by nothing but controversy, flame and spam.

image: sred

So could you start by introducing yourself...

Hi my name's Scotty Summers and my ingame alias is crod. I'm 17.9 years old and am from Finland

Ok nice, so your not chinese like everyone seems to think?

No, I'm not : D. I'm actually from a small retarded country called "Cambodia" or actually, my parents are but I was born in finland : D so I could piss squall off.

... A simple no would have been sufficient. Anyway, So could you tell everyone a little info about your ET career-so-far?

Well, I started gaming four and a half years ago when my mate came to fix my shit computer and ended up installing the game secrectly into it. At first I started playing it for fun but then somehow got hooked up into it. I started playing in a competitive level 3 years ago with some Finnish players Taffeli and some randoms from #clan.cobra . Well here I am nowadays, still playing it quite actively... well if fun 3o3's count. Nowadays I'm known as a cheater as far as I know. Have no idea why : d.

Interesting stuff... Im sure your well aware of the 'Bust avi' that was posted about you..(link at the bottom of interview) and of course the proclaimations about your cheating... first of all could you explain the avi, obviously the best you can... your english is attrocious.

I've tried to be obvious ever since I started ET because it simply gives me the dazzle to game more and of course another reason for that is because I'm an attention whore who likes to piss people off just for my own amusement. The AVI file that is supposed to be my bust from TYYRD / HYPE did not get me banned. According to killerboy's extraordinary theories about new & old aimbots, Clanbase is not allowed to ban me due to lack of evidence :D (how sad).

Well the avi is indeed suspicious, but ive done far more suspicious actions with skydehs mother.


So what do you have to say to all these doubters that still think you cheat, its pretty obvious u dont give a shit, but i ran out of questions to ask.

Well as the questions states, I don't really give a shit and as a matter of fact it even makes me smile everytime someone calls me a hacker or something similar to it.

Ok, well thanks for your time, i know you should be busy pwning some highskillers right now. Or playing minigolf, which your terrible at. Anyhow... would you like to give a shoutout to anyone while you have the opportunity, and your 5 minutes of fame?

Of course, I'd like to give my first SHOUTOUTS to ska, mara, Easr, kazuki, Edgar and numeric for providing me with the best functional cheat ever created in ET and it's history(btw you can buy it from me for 50 €). The other guys who I'd like to thank are h3lix WakiZashi and Skydeh for keeping me clean for 4 years and almost a HALF.


image: sred

Well Ladies and Gentlemen, there you have it... the decision is now yours to make, but as you can see, he really doesnt give a shit either way.

Many Thanks for taking the time to read the interview. Idle #g5playa! for all of your crod updates.

#g5playa! Now.