image: ecxvbuf3

With Group A allready decided last week and Group C decided yesterday, the Group Phase of the ET Eurocup XV is becoming more and more exciting as Groups B and D move into the last matchweeks.

This article will give you a short view on the situations in the groups. Groups A and C briefly and Groups B and D somewhat extended with possible scenario's.

Group A

image: GRECGAA very strong group with Europe Dignitas, Finland Insignia Cadre, Belgium One.Soldier and Sweden Ultimate Conspiracy. With the reputation of Dignitas I think the other three teams played for the second place since it has proven to be hard to beat Dignitas. Now all three others were having equal chances on this second place, three good and sophisticated teams. Finally Insignia Cadre took the second spot with a 4-2 win over One.Soldier and a 4-0 win over Ultimate Conspiracy.

The matches left in this group will only be a formality, although Insignia Cadre might want to grab the 1st place which could mean a better draw in the Play Offs. Though to do so they will have to win over Dignitas. Good luck to both of them.

Group C

image: GRECGCGroup C finished yesterday with Europe Polar eSports winning over Finland Incomplete. This match was Incomplete's last chance to stay in the race for a Play Off spot. Now that they lost the match, they're out of the Eurocup and have no match left to play.

Incomplete's 2:4 defeat against Europe TLR.eSports earlier on in the group ment that there was alot of pressure on this match. Too bad they couldn't pull a victory out of the hat.

The drama in Group C started earlier of course with Netherlands Wesbo announcing that his team Netherlands Morrigu would leave the Eurocup. This made the group a whole lot different now that all teams only played two matches instead of three.

Again the last match between Polar eSports and TLR.eSports will be a formality.

Now for the Groups that aren't decided yet. Group B and D. In Group B all four teams are still in the race to get a spot in the Play Offs altough it's going to be hard for Europe Retroactive after losing to United Kingdom Auxilia yesterday to secure the second spot.

In Group D Europe K1ck eSports is experiencing difficult times. They will have to beat Croatia Elite on the 6th of May to have one last chance on the Play Offs. But more about that scenario on the Group D page.