image: ecxvbuf3

image: GRECGD

United Kingdom Impact
Number 1 in this group with two matches one (vs. Europe K1ck 4:0 and vs. Croatia Elite 4:0) Impact will play it's final match on Sunday vs. Germany VAE. They need to win it to be assured of the Play Offs because there still could be a scenario where Impact would be out.

Match 'i - VAE
United Kingdom 'i : 0
Germany VAE : 4

Match K1ck - e
Europe K1ck : 0
Croatia e : 4

Match VAE - e
Germany VAE : 0
Croatia e : 4

This would bring Impact, VAE and Elite on 2 won, 1 loss and 8/4 rounds. Meaning a tie breaker.

Two points against VAE would be enough to reach the Play Offs, assuming that Elite takes out K1ck. So the only thing Impact has to do on Sunday is win 1 map.

Match 'i - VAE
United Kingdom 'i : 2
Germany VAE : 4

With this score Impact is safe.

Another possibility is that K1ck wins over Elite. That would mean that both K1ck and Elite would only have 1 win, where Impact allready has 2.

Match 'i - VAE
United Kingdom 'i : 0
Germany VAE : 4

Match K1ck - e
Europe K1ck : 4
Croatia e : 0 (2)

Even when losing to VAE, Impact could advance to the Play Offs because of the win by K1ck.

With allready two wins in the pocket, Impact are in a very comfortable situation. Let's hope they don't screw it up.

Germany Vicious and Evil
VAE isn't sure of anything at the moment. Winning over Impact would bring them one step closer to the Play Offs but surely not all the way. Besides; winning over Impact isn't something you do every day. Now let me explain the situation of VAE. It could go either way; they still could end up as 4th in the group, even after their 4-0 win over K1ck. What to do? Well WIN of course, but that's not very easy since this still is the Eurocup, with the best ET teams at the moment. Let's take a look how VAE could still spoil this EC.

Match 'i - VAE
United Kingdom 'i : 4
Germany VAE : 0

Match VAE - e
Germany VAE : 0
Croatia e : 4

Of course this is the scenario in which VAE would lose all their remaining matches. Now there is one other match which would be very important to VAE's faith.

Match K1ck - e
- Would K1ck take this one with 4:0, there would be a tie breaker for the second spot.
- Would K1ck take this with 4:2, Elite would advance by a better round ratio; (-2). VAE (-4) and K1ck (-6).
- Would Elite take this with any score, they would be through to the Play Offs and VAE would be out.

More to come