Today the Next-Evolution management sat down with Nevo.ET Sup3r to have a little chat about his life, et and his future plans with Enemy Territory! Hope you enjoy!

Q: Hello Sup3r, why don’t we start with a little introduction of your non-gaming life ?
Hi Felix !
I’m a 19 year old Belgian guy named Sander.
Don’t do any sports anymore just the occasional late-night jog Belgium AL1-style.
Today I made 3 entrance-exams in the hopes of starting my military career at the Royal Military Academy to become an officer.

Q: How and when did you start with ET ? Who introduced you to it? And how did your first years of ET look like?
Well that’s actually a though question as I don’t remember it exactly. It was somewhere in 2005 when a couple of guys I played runescape classic (xd) with told me about it. My first 2 years were ET-PUB only, until I got in an American clan who also participated in ETPRO-tournaments (TWL).

Q: At what time did you actually start playing competitively in a more serious way and which teams did you tag along during this period?

I think that was around 2007 after realizing the European community was more skilled than the American one, I tried to find a way into this community. Hmmm I played with [LAW], tried to make a clan with United Kingdom Pieface but that didn’t work out too well. Joined a clan called SuXoR with Estonia rAul but our clanleader was using nexus in-game(at first I thought he was just very good;) ) And after that I got into my first somewhat serious clan Europe Deathless with g3n,danL,antalis,complex,…. Then I met Belgium AL1 and my e-life slightly changed with the creation of Europe #BOEIE and later on #BERINGENMIJN. But my first very serious clan was Sleeperz !

Q: You attended several lans in your et career. Which was your most memorable one and why ?
Haha without a doubt : CC6 !
If I look back on our fake-nick trip I can’t believe we actually did that.. still makes me smile from time to time:D and after having performed quite well we got discovered !
I still remember Tosspot had a list of our real names and I had my picture on my banned cF profile and then he walked over to me and said : “Hey you look a whole lot like Sup3r!” and silly me tried to deny it by saying : “like who??” ; good times :')

Q: You recently tagged along with your Belgian nationscup team buddies to start a new team. What was your main motivation to do so and did you regret your decision at any point?
My main motivation was that it all went quite smoothly with the nationscup team and there was an overall positive vibe on ventrilo. We ended 2nd which was beyond my expectations and I had a lot of fun playing 3o3’s with chry & jere, and after we got to know each other a little bit better we decided to give it a go.

The only part I regret is ‘stabbing’ bF cause they my homies , but chizz6l couldn’t go to lan anyways and gifted was in the army and now we recovered AL1 so I’m happy after all !

Q: You are currently are part of Next Evolution Gaming and will also represent them at the upcoming SAGE-Lan. Do you enjoy being part of Next Evolution and what is your general opinion about them?
This the first MGC I’m actually satisfied about. Imag always did his best before his accident and after Rick left I think you are doing a more-than-fine job in keeping everything under control. I am very happy with the support and I am honored to be in this professional MGC.

Q: Speaking of Sage-Lan , you think you prepared well for it ? And what do you expect from your team ?
I think we are decently prepared. I’m not sure what to expect of the other teams, but I’m quite certain we can hurt every team if we have a good day. I think Anexis will finish on top and dignitas/winfakt/spot16 and we will battle it out for the podium places. Unless G2P or Nordic can surprise me I think these 5 teams will be the top 5.

Q: What are your plans after the event, you want to continue playing or are you going to take a time-out from ET?
I will enjoy the summer a bit, too bad I’m not going on holidays. I guess I’ll still play a bit but kind of sure we won’t be praccing. And on long-term it will depend on if I get into the Royal Military Academy or not , if I do I’ll have to quit gaming, If I don’t I have no idea yet ;p

Q: There have been quite some scandals in your et career, is there anything you regret doing or is there something you would deal different with now?
One thing I do feel bad about is the fact that the entire phantasmagoria team (Nunca/Lazio/Toni/griim/uNDEAd) had my back after the release of like the most obvious .avis ever. I didn’t really know what to do so I just acted innocent and I feel sorry for damaging their reputation.

Q:You have played with several known players and participated against literally every top star in et these days. Who was the best player you ever played with and who was your hardest opponent ?
Hmm.. tough question. I guess it depends on what you mean by the best player. When I think of aim/damage beasts the likes of Belgium mAus and Netherlands LuN4T1C come to mind. But when I think of smart players I think of Belgium uNDEAd, Malta Toxic, Belgium Gifted & Belgium AL1 ( he crazy :pp).

The hardest opponent I’ve played against has to be the masculine mans/fintastic 5 guys at their prime-time. I don’t know why but they had something radical and extremely lethal and the fact that a few of them never even went to lan raised my agony towards them ( I don’t think they cheat or anything :p).

Q: Thank you Sup3r for taking your time and answer some questions. Any final shoutouts ?
Shout out to the nevo staff & ET team, the entire bF crew (AL1,AL7,Alseven,ALONE,ciXot,chizz6l,crook,witje(k),uNDEAd,gifted,LuN4T1C,chry,jere,Jennifer,
zehma klokkeluider Notredamme) and everyone who loves me.

Thank you for reading!