Focus on: RELOAd

[img|left][/img]This morning I caught up with the newest addition to the line-up: the Estonian gunslinger RELOAd. He was willing to take part in this interview albeit he hadn't slept for 28 hours. Since we both had time the interview was conducted and this is the result thereof:

Hi Reload, could you please introduce yourself?
Hello, my name is Hendrik and I'm 15. I'm currently playing for

CC5: Epsilon vs. OVERLOAd

At 22:15 CET Epsilon and OVERLOAd face off in what might be today's most exciting match. Why will it be exciting? Firstly, because matches that pit players of the same nationality against each other are always somewhat tense. Secondly, because epsilon and OVERLOAd have been in existence for roughly the same amount of time, which is not very long, so neither of them have any track records of significance.

Rethinking Clan Websites

“Why should I be here—and not somewhere else?” is a question that arises in the minds of most people when they first visit a website. With the bulk of clan sites currently trying to provide the same kind of content, visitors are having an increasingly hard time finding an answer to that question. We need to rethink clan websites.

Dangerous conservatism

We covet new processors, graphics cards, mice, mouse pads, cellphones, and ipods, and we relish the innovations which the web has to offer: peer-to-peer file sharing, social networking, video sharing etc. Yet when it comes to games, our will to embrace changes is slight: talk of "modification" and "innovation" is considered alarming, often even offensive. It prompts shudders and frowns, bitterness and angry rants.