Cool chat with crumbs

After qualifying for CB Eurocup XX with Sublime, I caught up with Uk's own cruncher, crumbs!

Yo crumbs, can you please introduce yourself!

Hi, My name is Richard "crumbs" Wright. I hail from Enfield, North London, England. I'm 21 and I've recently finished uni and now a full time bum in the evenings and looking for work in the day!

mAusiiboy pops in

A quick chat with Belgian superstar mAus. I'm sure everyone knows who he is, if you don't where have you been?!

Hello mAus. Could you introduce yourself?

I'm David "mAus" Herreman, I'm 18 years old, i'm playing et for like 4 years and in my free time i like to go gym, play some soccer and the usual 18 years old boy stuff.

How long have you been playing online games?