Msh100 in the spotlight!

Sitting down with Msh100 also know as Marcus from YCN-hosting. You are a known face around the crossfire community as being the man behind YCN,Crossfire Administrator and GamesTV site supervisor.

picture of Marcus in his natural environment As you can see mobile phone,laptop,desktop and a server

sqZz speaking

Hello sqZz, why don't you tell us a bit about your non-gaming self first? Well in the meantime when I'm not playing ET, I play all sports with some of my mates and have a good drink and get hammerd, don't do much else because its boring :)

Who are you in real life?
I live in Wales, I'm 20 years of age, and at the moment I'm on the dole getting free money cause its a piss take in trying to get a job :p

BFB - LB Round 3

Loser's Bracket Round 3

BFB - WB Semi Finals

Week 3:Winner’s bracket Semi Finals!

BFB II overview

To make sure the countless hours of effort put into the team overviews and the battle of berlin II in general don't get lost that simply I'm making this article which is basicly a copy/paste summarise of the teamoverviews, brackets and prize overview

Team overview I : Belgian Fraternity, PolagZ, and STAR.ET.